Entertainment Magazine

Fun with the Sunday Night AND Monday Night Football Theme Songs Starring Amy Grant, Hank Williams Jr., Faith Hill and Jane Lynch

Posted on the 04 January 2012 by Thewildheart @wildheartrocks

Football, though I have no problem whatsoever watching the Superbowl (I like the funny and breathtaking commercials along with the halftime show – usually), football is something that I don’t always get even though I’m from Texas – home of the laughable Dallas Cowboys and the Texans (yes that’s the name of Houston’s team and yes it is lame, I know!). However, sometimes when you combine music and football………..things get interesting!

Take for example when Amy Grant did the opening for Monday Night Football on ABC: EPIC FAIL! Therefore she must be lampooned! So I present you with this……

Top 5 things going through my head as I watch the video below

  1. Amy, are you related to that family on 19 Kids And Counting?
  2. That kid holding the football 18 seconds into the video, that’s none other than little Tim Tebow.
  3. 38 seconds – baby praises Jesus for a touchdown.
  4. As if people didn’t hear Baby, Baby enough in 1992.
  5. What happened to All My Rowdy Friends by Hank Williams Jr.?
  6. 8-9 seconds: production budget cutbacks
  7. If they “Stayed good friends until Monday night” did the eventually become perpetual enemies?
  8. RIP Amy Grant’s musical career 1975-1993
  9. I wonder how the audience reacted
  10. “Baby I realize that there’s just no getting over you” – Amy if you have a football obsession come on down to Houston, we will feed you well with a dose of the Texans and our amazing barbecue and tailgaters!

Oh well, it could be worse – like Glee’s Jane Lynch singing during the football game!

Filed under: contemporary christian, Country, other, Pop, Video Tuesday Tagged: ABC, All My Rowdy Friends, Amy Grant, Baby Baby, ESPN, Faith Hill, Football, Hank Williams Jr, Jane Lynch, Monday Night Football, National Football League, NFL, Sports, Sunday Night Football, Tim Tebow

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