Religion Magazine

From Nok, Jos, To The Tafawa Belewa’s Tomb (II) By Patrick Naagbanton

By Samoluexpress @Oluwasegunsomef

Something ran through my mind. It was in Nyanya Motor Park some four months before that Boko Haram bombers attacked and killed several persons. I pulled my head through our car window and asked several persons in other cars that were turning, but all said didn’t know what was happening.

It is really a problem in Nigeria that when terrible things happen, nobody around the scene wants to say anything, possibly, out of fear or suspicion. I had to bark at one driver asking why was he turning and didn’t even know was happening.

This opinion post From Nok, Jos, To The Tafawa Belewa’s Tomb (II) By Patrick Naagbanton was published first on %%BLOGLINK%

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