Fashion Magazine

Friday Favorite: Sweet Almond Oil

By Wardrobeoxygen

Friday Favorite: Sweet Almond OilI've had seasonal allergies all my life. As a kid I got weekly allergy shots Once I was an adult I decided I'd rather suffer some sniffles and take OTC medications. Take this and being someone who does best with 9 hours of sleep but usually get 6 and I am a person with dark undereye circles.

I've tried dozens of creams, concealers, highlighters, and beauty hacks to hide them, but they weren't just dark but also puffy. I gave up, deciding it was just a fact of life. Then one day Karl decided he too had dark circles. For every hack he Googled I replied, "Tried it, didn't work." That was until he got to sweet almond oil. You know what? I never tried almond oil. So we got a bottle.

Every night, Karl takes two drops of sweet almond oil and pats it under his eyes. I pour about a dime sized puddle in my palm and tap it under the eyes, but also rub it into the skin over my moisturizer. (I switched from night cream to Colleen Rothschild moisturizer, read my review of the product here.) Any extra almond oil on my hands I rub into my elbows.

Wow, this stuff really works! It works better than any of the fancy eye creams I've tried. It's better than any other home remedies, even better than nine hours of sleep!

But not only that, my face as a whole has benefited from the sweet almond oil, and again better than any of the fancy night creams I have tried over the years. Over a night cream, it felt too greasy and heavy; on its own it seemed too light for my dry skin. Over a day moisturizer it was utter perfection. I wake up and my skin is amazing. It's super soft and feels plump, but not greasy. It absorbs so well I don't need to use toner or water in the morning to feel fresh. And fresh it is, no creases, no AM dehydration, I end up touching my face often because it feels like child skin. Like Emerson's face, but not so thin and delicate, if that makes sense. And not only are my dark circles reduced, my face in general looks more evenly toned and I find I'm using less concealer and feeling more comfortable going completely bare-faced in public.

What's awesome, is a 16 ounce bottle of sweet almond oil costs less than $20 on Amazon (this is the exact one we use) and it's not just an eye cream and night cream. It can take off makeup (saturate a cotton round, hold it to your eye for a bit and gently wipe), tame split ends, work as a hot oil treatment for your tresses, soften cuticles, and help with psoriasis, eczema, and dandruff. Put a drop in your foundation to make it more moisturizing without losing coverage. Since it absorbs quickly, it's great for moisturizing your feet or places where you don't want to be slippery. Many consume it in smoothies and other recipes for its health benefits. A quick google of "sweet almond oil health beauty" and you'll find tons of ways to use this reasonably priced and easy to find product.

I love that a natural product accomplishes more than all these potions, lotions, and creams I have tried that are chock-full of chemicals. I love that it's so versatile and reasonably priced. And I love that of all people, my husband is the one who turned me on to my favorite beauty product!

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