Debate Magazine

Freedom of Speech?

By Rusty @russellpurkiss

If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.–George Washington

Freedom of Speech?
I am greatly saddened and somewhat embarrassed of late to read the news with how heavy-handed the authorities have gotten with protesters, who are simply attempted to enjoy their right of “freedom of Speech” which seems to have gone the way of all things that once made our nation great.  In America last year and even again today when we sit comfortably in our living rooms and watch our TV at the huge protests taking place in Egypt, Libya, Syria the commentary that is largely heard by most is: “good for them, they are standing up for their rights!”  Then once the authorities of these countries crack down on the protesters the reaction is, “oh how terrible, too bad they are in such a suppressed country, they need a change of government!” People do you even hear yourselves?

The fact is, there are serious problems with government in our country, serious corruption that begs to be addressed, and must be addressed.  Problems with the way things have been structured to protect those responsible for the economic debacle and it is not being addressed, it is only being applied an occasional band-aid to keep them afloat.  If the issues for which the occupy movement were to be seriously addressed, and something studied to correct the problem, I am sure that everyone would just go home and back to school or even back to work (when there are finally jobs to go to) without hitting them with batons, spraying them with pepper spray and using tear gas.

Freedom of speech yes, as long as it goes along with the status quo you can say all that you want, but if you take to the streets with your “freedom” and are met with violence, then what difference is there between Cairo and New York?  Things get hazy! Yes, I am free to write this article, that is fantastic, and chances are those who don’t agree with me will just let me know.  I am hopefully going to be able to go outside of my door and not get arrested or clobbered, but how on God’s earth are we going to see change if the government continues to ignore, and do nothing about the serious problems that a rather large number of the population are not happy with?

I am not thrilled to see protests, I do not necessarily enjoy having disruptions in the streets, dirty parks and all that these gatherings cause!  But I also do not agree with how the so-called solution to the problem is being administered.  I do not agree with the hypocrisy of certain individuals who are so upset at the protesters and calling for something to be done to “get them off the streets”!  These are the same ones that cheered on the protesters in Cairo to take down Mubarak (and they are the same ones that supported him for years!) These are the same ones that supported the invasion of Iraq, the killing of Saddam Husein and they are the very same ones that placed him in power to begin with!

In the constitution it states “freedom and justice for ALL” not for those who are privileged, nor only for those who own banks, nor only for those who are in government!  Would you rather we be lead to the slaughter like sheep?  I say, address the issues NOW, initiate the needed changes NOW, stop skirting the issues, placing ridiculous band-aids on the banking industry and beating and spraying your citizens!  What say you?

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By Rusty
posted on 21 November at 20:00
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What has violence, rape, drug use and dealing have to do with what is happening with the occupy movement! A bit off topic I would say! The trouble lies with politicians on the take to protect bad economic practices by those who are top contributors to the campaign of bought out senators. All the other problems are problems that are totally unrelated and the reason why nothing is going forward is because there are too many people honking their horns and groaning about whatever pops into their heads instead for hitting the real issues straight on! The other problem is with "playing parties". I could care less whether you are blue, red, purple, Republican, Democrat or other, if we as the people are paying your salaries and sure as shooting not to have you continually squabbling like toddlers in a heated room over which party is "right"! We need to find out WHAT is right, and then go for working on it unitedly otherwise, just have the whole kit and caboodle shut down and you all stay home unemployed while some grown ups go to work and start getting the country back on it's feet!

By TechnoCowgirl
posted on 21 November at 13:06
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Freedom of Speech yes...Freedom of violence, rape, drug use and dealing no! Furthermore, they Occupy the wrong property,they should be Occupying the White House and its branches -that's where the trouble lies!!!

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