Debate Magazine

Free Planet - What is the State?

Posted on the 17 December 2012 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN

Free Planet - what is the state?

image copyright © labaronesa

it's a word that's bandied about by both
the Communists and the Capitalist
the Labour and the Conservatives
the Democrats and the Republicans

in the former, it's the state that rakes in the profits from the labor of its people
in the latter, it's the private estate that rakes in the profits from the labor of its people
as you'll see from the above
is concerned with only one thing - the shameless exploitation of the shamed people in the name of profit.

Pure and simple: if we eradicate the need to make profit from our 'state', our 'world', our 'free planet' then we eradicate the need for this all-vampiring neck-biting blood-sucking predator.
And it will be the death of us; the slaughter of humanity began with THE STATE.

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