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Free Planet Novel - Charting the Progress - Literary Agency News

Posted on the 15 March 2012 by Freeplanet @CUST0D1AN
Free Planet novel - charting the progress - literary agency newsquick announcement to let you all know that I've moved all mention of the FREE PLANET novel, formerly known as One of Us, You The People and (more recently) The Custodians, to a new blog specifically to chart updates and additions to this ongoing work of fiction.
FREE PLANET novel is gonna be about 90,000 words when it's done and, through alternate-chapters tells the tale of The Custodians vs You The People and how that gets us to the eponymous declaration of the cover i.e. DO RIGHT BY FREE PLANET.
The new blog is called FREE PLANET novel. I've added a FOLLOW button, if you want to keep updated on progress, thoughts, discoveries; deals.
The novel is currently at the 65,000 words first-draft stage with about 30,000 or so to go, and here's a cover idea I'm using as 'inspiration' for the direction of the narrative. No, it might not get used by the eventual publisher. Yes, it's relevant to the content.

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