Family Magazine

Four Suggestions for Coping with Infertility

By Momatlast @momatlast

Infertility is more common now than ever in the United States. With the increase of infertility comes an increase in options to bear or have children. There are many alternatives that are more attainable than they were years ago. Though difficult to deal with, there are strategies for coping with infertility that work!

4 Ways to Cope with Infertility

Take care of yourself emotionally

Avoid child-based activities if you need to. If you know you aren’t ready to go to a first birthday party or a baby’s baptism, then don’t and don’t beat yourself up over it! Be realistic but stay optimistic. Optimism will help you but realism will allow you avoid a huge letdown. The most important part of taking care of yourself is taking time for yourself. Pamper yourself a little; get a manicure or massage. Go on a simple date night to the movies. Try new activities! Anything that can distract you, if only for a moment, is healthy.

Set limits for yourselves

For how long are you willing to try? How much intervention will you try? How much money can you spend? Only you and your partner can answer these questions. Once you answer these questions, you’ll have more control over the situation. Discuss medical limits as well as financial limits. Decide if fertility treatments or adoption are options for you. Both can be expensive; be realistic about your limits. Know your emotional limit, especially.

Seek support from those around you

Infertility is everywhere. Seek out people that are also struggling or professionals that specialize in infertility. Those experiencing the same feelings as you will help you see you are not alone and your feelings are understandable. Grief is real and mental health during such troubling time is crucial!

Seek support from you partner. Keep a level head. You may have different feelings, but realize that you are both experiencing this. Work together and share the burden. You are, after all, in this together!

Get educated on your options

Know all of your options. What is IVF? What doctors perform treatments? How does adoption work? Have you contacted anyone, like The Adoption Professionals, regarding your options? Research as much as you can. Ask questions. It will help you and your partner make informed choices. Keeping up on the most current information gives you an idea of what is to come.

There are also multitudes of ways to deal with infertility and its difficulties. To cope in a healthy way is best for you, your relationship and your future. Keep these suggestions in mind during your journey.

Written by Marlena S.; Guest Blogger for Mom at Last

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