Diet & Weight Magazine

Fit & Fashionable Friday – Fabletics February Collection

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

Oh how I love short workweeks. Friday was here before I knew it. I love me some Friday! It’s also my Dad’s birthday today!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD DAD DAD-IO! Fun fact about my dad: He swears he started the whole jeans-with-holes-in-them trend. Here’s his evidence:

Dad with holes

hmmmmmm…. not convinced. Mostly because those look like khakis. But it’s his bday so I’ll give it to him.

Fit & Fashionable Friday via Fitful Focus #fitnfashionable

This post is sponsored by Fabletics.

Not to diss my Dad’s old and very worn in pants, but I always get excited over new clothes. I also get excited about free stuff. So when Fabletics shot me an email that was basically like, “Hey, try out some stuff from our February Collection FO FREE.” (ok, they were more eloquent and professional than that) I said, “Heck to the L yea!” I was also more professional than that. Maybe… Anywhoooo.

This was the outfit I picked:

Fabletics February Collection via Fitful Focus

That’s me, looking at a penny on the ground while wearing Fabletics.

I’ve tried Fabletics before (learn more about how it works here) and am a big fan, so I knew this outfit would be just as great. It might even be better than the last one I got because WHAM!

Fabletics Weston Pullover - workout top with thumbholes via Fitful Focus

Weston Pullover

Thumbholes, baby! Idk what it is about thumbholes, but they are the best! It’s like this shirt is a member of the Beatles and it’s singing to me, “I wanna hold your hand.” Ah, great song. Great song.

And if the thumbholes aren’t enough, BOOM!

Fabletics February Collection - Weston Pullover backless workout top via Fitful Focus

Ok, so I guess holes in clothes are still a trend. Couldn’t have been so without you, Dad! Three cheers for my Dad’s contribution to fashion!

I love this little cut out. It says, I’m ready to workout, but I’m still a sexy B. Yup. This shirt is part British 60s pop star, part Beyonce – but Maya Rudolph’s version of Beyonce.

Maya Rudolph as Beyonce

And can we talk about these Salar Capris? You think they’re just plain black, but then you get another surprise. BAZINGA!

Fabletics February Collection -Salar Capris with Fold Over via Fitful Focus

A pink printed fold down band. Like thumbholes, there’s something just so great about fold down bands, especially when they add a pop of color.

Fabletics February Collection -Salar Capris with Fold Over via Fitful Focus

HOLY MOLY! The penny moved! What? It’s a cockroach. Ew. Let me swish it with the Hooka One Ones I got from the Fitness Meet & Tweet. #nycliving

Now that my apartment is cockroach free, let’s get this Fit & Fashionable Link Up going! Feel free to add any post (old or new) that has to do with fitness, fashion, or a little bit of both. Be sure to link back to or your link won’t work. Full rules are here, but generally speaking, if you add a link, try to stop by and comment on at least 2 other blogs in the link up. I’ll also love you forever if you add this badge to your post: 

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Alright, do it to it!

An InLinkz Link-up

Let’s Chat:
Are you obsessed with thumbholes?
Fold down pants? Yay or… yay?!
Why do fashion bloggers always look down at pennies/cockroaches?

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