Books Magazine

Figuring out What to Do Next

By Curlygeek04 @curlygeek04

Before I get back to the business of writing book reviews, I wanted to take a minute for one more post-election post.

It feels like everyone’s talking about what to do next.  A lot of it’s noise to me.  I’m worried about my job and honestly not feeling like I can make much of a difference right now.  Sorry for my glass-half-empty outlook — but we’ve given the GOP and this horrible man nearly unfettered power for at least the next two years.

That said, on the what-we-can-do front, here’s a list of the suggestions I’ve seen (I’m doing some but not others, so not an endorsement):

  1. Give to various causes threatened by the new administration, such as civil rights, reproductive rights, environmental protection, gun control, etc. Sadly, the list of causes that now need your support is a long one (here’s a good list from Jezebel).
  2. Act locally. Work with a program that teaches adults English or escort women at a Planned Parenthood clinic.
  3. March in the Million Woman March in DC on January 21. I haven’t decided about this one yet, although I have friends who are going. Before I go out into the cold in January, I want to know more about what they’re marching for and their plan of action.
  4. Support the abolition of the Electoral College.
  5. Wear a safety pin. This is a sign to show your solidarity with the non-Trump supporters.  I’ve also seen it described as a sign that you will stand up for anyone who is being bullied, including women, immigrants, Muslims, or people who are gay or transgender.  Pretty cool.  But then I’ve seen the counterargument that if you’re not really prepared to stand up to a bully, don’t wear the pin – and I’ve also seen people saying wearing a pin is just a panacea to assuage your white guilt.  So feeling kind of mixed about this one.
  6. Reach across the aisle. A lot of people are calling for understanding and kindness towards those with completely opposing political (and life) views.  The idea is that if we treat all Trump voters as unprincipled racists, we will never come together as a country or help them to vote better next time.  (Personally, I’m not feeling this one although I get the argument.  This article about “coastal elites” best reflects my feelings on the subject.)
  7. Support paid, neutral journalism like major newspapers. Pay for a subscription.  I forget where I saw this but I really like this one.

Here’s what I’m doing for my own personal sanity: limiting Facebook.  I loved reading all the Pantsuit Nation posts going into the election, but afterward I felt completely blindsided.  Not at all their fault; but I think I need less social media, more real world.  I just don’t find the onslaught of hate crime stories, memes, rants, and even well-meaning advice to be helpful to my state of mind right now.  But then I’ve never been very good at Facebook.

And before I pressure myself to do more, I’m taking it easy for a little while. I’m reading the fluffiest fluff.  I’m spending time with the husband and counting my blessings I don’t live in a house divided.  I’m trying not to read about who my next boss will be or whether my agency will be shut down.

I really like this what-to-do-next post from The Bloggess.  Plus ridiculously cute cat gifs.

What are you doing?

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