Current Magazine

Fighting for Windmills: Vestas Launches a Pro-Wind Campaign

Posted on the 20 June 2013 by Dailyfusion @dailyfusion
Fighting for Windmills: Vestas Launches a Pro-Wind Campaign

Vestas "Act on Facts" portal.

Apparently, Vestas’ management feels that the wind energy industry is loosing the war for public opinion. This week, the company has launched the first phase of a global campaign which aims “to separate myths from facts and to channel public support toward political action favoring wind energy”. According to the press-release, the campaign will make use of multiple marketing, communications, and public affairs channels and platforms.

Vestas Group Senior Vice President Morten Albæk says, “The wind industry is being attacked by media-savvy and politically influential adversaries who often display a brazen disregard for factual information. The “Act on Facts” campaign is our way of fighting back.”

Starting in Australia, which according to the press-release is a hot-bed of anti-wind activity, the Act on Facts launch event at the University of Melbourne features a live panel discussion about the tactics used by anti-wind energy activist groups and what the wind industry can do to counter the wild claims and convert the quiet majority of wind energy supporters into active campaigners. (According to Essential Research, 76 per cent support building wind farms in Australia to produce renewable energy and 11 per cent oppose. Support was over 70% across all demographic groups.)

Together with leading wind energy players such as Infigen Energy Managing Director Miles George and a panel of experts on climate, health and regional development, Vestas Group Senior Vice President Morten Albæk will unveil the Act on Facts campaign, including the web portal The portal features well-documented, fact-based information to help dispel the scare campaigns peddled by anti-wind activists as well as up-to-date information on pro-wind initiatives in which local citizens can engage.

According to Infigen Energy Managing Director Miles George, “This campaign is a crucial part of the industry’s efforts to take back the initiative from the anti-wind movement and share some facts with the Australian people. Wind energy projects that could save up to five million tonnes of CO2 emissions every year are being stalled by scare campaigns and misinformation.”

Vestas Group Senior Vice President Morten Albæk adds, “It is important to distinguish between genuine local concerns and the increasingly professional anti-wind activists whose strategy seems designed to confuse and inflame the debate. “Act on Facts” is a bold stroke to counter that strategy. Veering off the well-trodden public relations path entails risks. But playing it safe is even riskier.”

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