Hair & Beauty Magazine

FFS Friday - Motherhood Failure

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
This week has been a motherhood failure. 

I've totally sucked at parenting. 

I don't even have a good excuse other than the usual tired and no time to myself. 

Not good enough.

Chai's been off school sick with a strange sort of gastro. 

He probably could have gone to school from Wednesday, but his belly was still a bit dodgy so I kept him home. 

Tuesday I took him for a therapy called Neuro Emotional Technique. It was very strange.

I have no idea if it helped but she said that he might be out of sorts for 24 to 48 hours. She wasn't wrong.

I feel like I'm about to explode. 

Wednesday we'd been busy all day. I took the kids to three different parks and did everything I could to make sure they had a great day. We got home at 4pm and I was exhausted. I just wanted to sit down for five minutes, have a drink and a rest.
I got the kids settled, turned the tv on, gave them a drink and some food then sat down.
My bottom had just touched the seat when they started. 
Mum get me an apple. 
Mum get me a drink.
Mum, I don't like this tv show.
Mum he's sitting in my spot.
Mum the dog is annoying us.
I lost it. I screamed at them to shut up and went to my bedroom.
The little fuckers followed me so I screamed at them to get out of the room.
They stood outside the bedroom door crying.
Nice work. Way to be a good parent. 

I eventually pulled myself together and apologised to the kids. I calmed them down and explained to them that sometimes I need a rest.

The rest of the evening was uneventful.

That night Chai wouldn't go to sleep. 

I hate those nights. 

When he gets like that he won't stay asleep unless I'm in the bed with him.

I am so sick of sleeping with him.

It's been three years now and I'm done.

After crying for two hours he finally went to sleep. In my bed. 

I just wanted to watch The Bachelorette in peace.

Thursday wasn't much better. They were whinging, fighting and crying from the second they woke up. I just wanted to walk out the door and never come back.

We had to go in to town. As I was loading the kids into the car to come home my phone rang. I stood at the back of the car and Chai went in to panic mode because he couldn't see me. FFS.

I yelled at him to stop crying. 

Great way to deal with a kid with anxiety, yelling at them is really going to make it better. 

Luckily for all of us Chai went to sleep and stayed asleep Thursday night.
I got to watch The Bachelorette in peace. Bliss.
So far today I've managed not to yell at anyone but I still feel like I'm about to explode. 
Think I'm going to start having vodka in my morning coffee.
Friday Motherhood Failure
Friday Motherhood Failure
Friday Motherhood Failure
Friday Motherhood Failure
Friday Motherhood Failure

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