Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Exxon Arctic Drilling Benefitting From Global Warming: Oil Company Denied Climate Change Science While Factoring It Into Arctic Operations

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

Exxon Arctic Drilling Benefitting From Global Warming: Oil Company Denied Climate Change Science While Factoring It Into Arctic Operations

Melting sea ice due to warmer ocean temperatures, one of the effects of climate change, makes searching for oil and gas easier.

GR:  That Exxon has had internal analysts working on climate change for years hardly seems like news.   Stockholders would consider any CEO of a company conducting outdoor operations incompetent if they failed to evaluate potential effects of climate dynamics.  You can safely bet the farm that the leading companies of the major industries (#CEFIM–chemical, energy, finance, insurance, military) all have analysts assigned to climate change.

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