Hair & Beauty Magazine

Everything You Need To Know About Coffee

By Apoorva @perksofbeauty

Latte, cappuccino, mocha - how do you prefer your coffee? Loads of us drink coffee on a regular basis. And there is no wonder why! All the caffeine in it keeps you wide awake and super productive at work. Plus, it tastes great! But do you know all there is to know about this trendy drink? Here are some facts that you will find fascinating.

Everything You Need To Know About Coffee

It Was Originally Eaten

African tribes were the first people to use coffee in their diets. However, unlike us, they didn't drink it. They actually ate it. They mixed the coffee berries with animal fat and used them as energy balls!

Islam Helped Coffee's Popularity

Muslims who follow the religion of Islam are prohibited from drinking alcohol. This helped to increase coffee's popularity, as many Muslims consider coffee an acceptable drink. So instead of going out with friends for a few beers, Muslims prefer to go out and grab a coffee together.

Everything You Need To Know About Coffee

Third-Wave Coffee

These days, coffee isn't quite as simple as it was back then. We now have a whole coffee culture which has seen the boom of third-wave coffee. So what exactly is third-wave coffee? It's the trendy coffee shops where you regularly see all the hipsters hanging out. The baristas working there are very much into their coffee and continually strive to use the best beans to make the best coffee possible. Basically, the baristas want to make good-quality coffee that is there to be appreciated.

You Can Do Third-Wave Coffee At Home

You don't have to go out and visit the fancy coffee shops to try third-wave coffee. Some of the specialist equipment is now available to buy for home kitchens. And the best thing is that most of this brewing equipment doesn't cost a whole lot of money. In fact, items like the Hario v60 are cheaper than cafeterias!

Everything You Need To Know About Coffee

The Coffee Business Is Hugely Lucrative

In fact, coffee is the second most traded product on earth. The only thing that beats it is oil. So that gives you an idea of just how much everyone loves it!

George Washington Invented Instant Coffee

Wait, not that George Washington! The first American President may have been called George Washington, but he isn't the one we're talking about here. In actual fact, the George Washington who invented instant coffee was a Belgian. He invented it in 1906, a long time after the American President had died!

Caffeine Isn't Really Dehydrating

Have you ever been told that drinking a lot of coffee can dehydrate you? This is a commonly misheld opinion. Originally, it was assumed that caffeine was a diuretic. This isn't true, though, and you won't experience negative effects unless you drink a huge amount. So you shouldn't be worried about your daily cup of coffee dehydrating you!

It's High In Nutrients

There are plenty of healthy nutrients in coffee. For example, it is an excellent source of potassium and manganese. These can help your body manage its blood pressure and help prevent strokes.

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