Fashion Magazine

Enough About Food - Let's Talk Shoes!

By Yonni @vegandthecity
I love shoes.  I may not be a single woman living in Manhattan and writing a column about love for the paper, but if it were up to me, I'd have a closet to rival Carrie Bradshaw's any day!  I doubt I could pull off a fascinator the way she could, but I certainly had my big-puddle-splash-a-fab-outfit moment! And Mr. Big...hmmm...
But I digress.  Shoes.  Did you have any idea how cool vegan shoes could be?  When I think about vegan shoes I go from Tom's (fabulous idea for a company) to Stella McCartney (fabulous design and very high end.)  Then I met Melissa.  Well, I didn't meet Melissa, but I got turned on to her shoes and I'm psyched!
Enough About Food - Let's Talk Shoes!I was covering the Green Festival in Washington, DC and met up with another trendy vegan, Leslie Durso.  She was introducing a panel of speakers and leading a cooking demo, so unlike me in my skinny jeans and comfy shoes, she was wearing a cute yellow dress and the coolest black wedges - black, vegan, 100% recyclable wedges from
So I, being The Trendy Vegan and all, took down the website, got to a computer, and bought myself a pair!  These shoes are hot.  And some of them are so funky!  I don't want to mislead you.  These are not inexpensive.  This pair was over $100 and she's got some flats that go for $350 (it's because they are adorned with Swarovski crystals.) But I'm telling you, even in my chic Burberry rain boots, my feet never looked so sexy walking my dog in the rain! (No leather = no rain damage - bonus!)
Go channel your inner Carrie Bradshaw and check out

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