Eco-Living Magazine

Ecotricity Reach 100,000 Customers & Freeze Green Energy Prizes Til October

Posted on the 17 March 2014 by Dorsetenergized @dorsetenergized

Ecotricity have got some good news: you may remember that last September we announced that we would be freezing our prices, over winter, until 1st April.

We’re now announcing a further price freeze, through the spring and summer, until 1st October 2014.

With this extended freeze, we won’t have increased prices for 21 months – meaning we’ll have the longest period of price stability in the energy industry. Our single electricity and gas tariffs are as stable as a fixed price deal, but without any strings – no exit fees, no penalties, and our best price for everyone, regardless of when they joined or how they choose to pay.

The other good news is that on Wednesday last week we reached 100,000 customers!

It’s a very big milestone, and one we’ve had in our sights for some time – nearly 50,000 people have joined us since last summer, which is quite incredible.

It all began last summer when we moved to a single 100% green tariff for electricity, reduced our prices slightly as part of a new policy to cost less than the Big Six, and then froze prices twice over the following winter.

Our two pieces of news are linked. With 100,000 customers we have some economies of scale and – coupled with it being a very good year for wind – we’re able to absorb those of our costs that are rising, and keep yours where they are. Our investment in new sources of green energy hasn’t just insulated us from fossil fuel price movements, because the cost of wind doesn’t go up – but when the wind blows well we have an additional benefit – which we’re keen to share with our customers.

People Power in Action

Our mission is to change where Britain’s energy comes from – to bring about energy independence and sustainability. The more customers we have, the more new sources of green energy we can build, the more we can protect our customers from price rises. It’s a virtuous circle, and it’s People Power in action.

Speaking of People Power, have a look at our latest short film about fracking – we’ve put this together to lend support to local communities opposed to shale gas fracking and to highlight the fact that many British households are inadvertently supporting shale gas through their energy bills.

You can switch to Ecotricity online at or call us on 08000 302 302 and quote ‘Dorset Energized’ to receive a free £60 Naked Wines voucher to celebrate!

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