Politics Magazine

Dumbest Alt Left Phrase Ever: “The Regressive Left”

Posted on the 12 March 2017 by Calvinthedog

Calling the SJW Cultural Left Freakshow “regressive” is absolutely senseless. Originally it meant Leftists who supported reaction such as Political Islam. Political Islam or Islam in general is backwards, conservative if not reactionary, and a throwback to an older era that progressives have moved far beyond in the West. Full-throated Left support for reactionary Islam is indeed regressive.

But the Cultural Left Freakshow is anything but regressive. Really it is progressivism run amok.

Radical gay rights is regressive because it harkens back to the golden era of gay rights in the 1800’s when gays had far more rights than they even do now, right?

Radical feminism is regressive because back in the old days when my Mom was growing up, most women were ultra-radical man-hating dykes who pushed far beyond equal rights, correct?

Anti-racism is regressive because it recalls the the 1700’s when Blacks and Indians ruled society and the White man was a downtrodden minority, no?

Transsexual rights is regressive because back in the Ancien Regime in France, 1/200 men and women were transsexuals, there was a transsexual on every block, and French society cheered for genderbenders and called for gender to be abolished, n’est pas?

The Regressive Left is a preposterous and idiotic slur that the Alt Left has made up for the SJW Cultural Left. It makes sense only in that the Cultural Left voices full support for radical Islam. Otherwise it utterly irrational.

The Cultural Left in general isn’t regressive at all. It’s not even reactionary, conservative or even rightwing. It’s not even Centrist, and it gave up liberalism long ago. No, the Cultural Left is nuts because this is an example of leftwing politics going completely off the deep end. Regressive means backwards, reactionary, conservative, primitive, a throwback to an older, ignorant era before modern progress and progressive politics. The Cultural Left is the opposite of regressive.

We just call them that because it sounds insulting, and it is. But it’s also a lie. I don’t see why the Alt Left should stoop to lying and sliming the opposition with sleazy and false slurs like all the rest of the dirty politics out there. We are beyond that; we are too good for that. We can do better. Let’s do it.

Get rid of the slogan “Regressive Left” once and for all. Resign it to the dustbin of recent history.

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