Athletics Magazine

Droopy Butt Syndrome

By Nicoleao @momfever

droopy butt syndromeI can’t think of a better argument for running skirts: the Droopy Butt Syndrome I get from wearing running tights.

Last week the price of a pair of running tights seduced me into taking them home with me. I put them on, and at first I thought they were alright. But then I had the kids take a picture, and that’s when I saw it: I’ve got Droopy Butt Syndrome! This is why I think anyone who hasn’t got buns of steel should wear a running skirt.

Running skirts gently hide droopy butts, and hide all your dirty little secrets. They make me feel secure and not afraid to turn my back on people.

So now if you’ll excuse me: I’ve got to run, and make sure Wikipedia knows about this syndrome!

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