Entertainment Magazine

Dive into Fall with Ok Otter’s Autumn Ep [premiere]

Posted on the 23 September 2014 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

Screen Shot 2014 09 23 at 1.01.05 PM 620x620 DIVE INTO FALL WITH OK OTTERS AUTUMN EP [PREMIERE]

The seasons and weather are always one of first things that come to my mind when listening to music — there are some albums that are just too perfect for the environment to be listened to outside of that time. OK Otter has taken that one step further by releasing a special collection of EPs just for the seasons. The year-spanning project is halfway through with Spring and Summer already out, and now we’re extremely excited to premiere the Autumn EP on the first day of the season. The three song EP takes the season’s crispness as inspiration with clean, catchy songs that have just a little bite. Songs about “Ichabod” slowly walking and thinking of the ghosts and stories from Norse mythology are peppered throughout. It’s worth several listens for the stories alone, and is a great way to start the season off right. Be sure to check out the other EPs from the Philly-based husband and wife team, and keep your eyes out for the final EP in the series, Winter, coming — when else? — December 21st.

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