Gadgets Magazine

Digital Wallets Are Here

Posted on the 08 July 2012 by Yogeshvashist98 @YogeshVashist98

E-Money Smartphones and tablets will become mainstream medium to pay by 2020.

Using smartphones or tablets as digital “wallets” will be common within a decade, largely replacing cash and credit cards. Sixty five percent of technology stake holders and critics who responded to an opt-in poll by Pew Research and Elon University Imagining the Internet Centre agreed that handheld gadgets would be a mainstream way to pay by the year 2020.

Digital Wallets

“The 2020 date might be a bit optimistic, but I am sure that this will happen,” Google chief economist Hal Varian was quoted as saying in a survey response. “What is in your wallet now? Identification, Payment and personal items,” he continued. “All this will be easily fitted in your mobile device and will inevitably do so.” Google last year launched a “Wallet” service that lets sophisticated Android powered mobile phones be used to “tap and pay” for purchased at shops.

Many of the people surveyed said that security and convenience would be among the factors prompting people to shift to using smartphones or tablets as de facto credit cards or cash.

Some who were optimistic about the future of smartphone wallets expected the trend to be slowed by privacy fears, lack of infrastructure and resistance by credit card companies and other profiting on the current system. “The driver here will virtually 100% be whether or not the credit card industry decides it can make more money through changing technologies,” the survey quoted Microsoft principal researcher Jonathan Grudin as saying. Almost none of the people surveyed expected cash or credit cards to disappear completely, according to Pew.

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