Diet & Weight Magazine

Diet Without Wheat and Dairy Intolerance

By Foodandhealthuk

Sensitivity to diary or wheat intolerance has been closely linked to health problems such as digestive disorders, bloating, migraine, muscle and joint pain, skin conditions and low energy says experts.

Finding out if your diet is causing you discomfort is hard, only way is to try cutting these foods out if the symptoms seems to point to this. The problem is that if you're intolerance to wheat or dairy, even tiny portions can be enough to trigger a reaction such as headaches, bloating and diarrhea.

Given that wheat and dairy are often hidden in foods where you might least expect to find them, it's not as easy to cut them out as it sounds, which is why we've put together a simple pointers to get started.

Keep a record of food such as a Diary

Before cutting anything out of your diet, keep a record of food you eat in a diary for a few weeks. You can either use a smartphone notes or app, traditional notebook to write everything you eat and drink. Also it's vital for you to note down how you feel and any symptoms. Your digestive system is usually sensitive to stress and emotions, so it's important to rule out these things as the cause of discomfort. Review your diary at end of two weeks to see if you can identify any obvious patterns or foods that may be triggering your problem. If you think you are wheat or gluten intolerance after identifying a pattern, seek medical advice from your local GP Doctor.

Change just one thing at a time

Start by cutting out wheat or diary but not both. Try not to make any other major lifestyle changes during the test period, because if you make too many changes at the same time and you start to feel better you won't know which one worked. However, if after four weeks on a diary-free diet, or eight weeks on a wheat-free diet you haven't noticed an improvement in your symptoms, the chances are that diary and wheat are not your triggers.

Do some ground work first!

In advance of starting on your diet, spend some time checking the ingredients listed on the packs and jars of items you normally put in your shopping trolley. Check to see what wheat-free and dairy-free alternatives are available in the market. A good place to start this research would be online. All the major supermarkets will have detailed information about their products on their website. It's much easier to do this in the comfort of your sofa than spend hours in the supermarket.

Plan your menu in advance

When you first start on a diary or wheat-free diet, it can be tricky to know what to eat. The last thing you want is to be caught having to make snap decisions. Planning your weekly menu ahead will help you ensure you'are not exposed to hidden wheat or diary products and you could source the ingredients in your weekly shopping. If you are always out and about, plan to take some snacks with you to avoid it ruining your diet without wheat or dairy.



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