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Dictionary for Dogs

By David13676 @dogspired

Dictionary for DogsA Border Collie named Chaser has learned the meaning of 1,022 words, according to Science Daily. The average (trained) dog knows 160 words. Your dog, however, is NOT average. Most dog owners claim that their dogs understand not just words but also complete sentences. Concepts, too.

“What is it, Riley? What do you see? Is that a chipmunk? No, you’re right! Its a squirrel! Do you want to chase that squirrel? You do?! Are you as fast as that squirrel? You little scamp!” “Wait right there, Emmy. No, we can’t cross the street yet. We have to look both ways first. Just a second. There’s a car. Okay, now we can walk.” “Get off, Sam, off! I don’t want you in my face while I’m eating. Here, here’s a cookie. Go to your bed and lay down. Now!”

Dictionary for Dogs

Remember the Far Side cartoon where, in one panel, a man gives his dog Ginger a scolding. A second panel shows what the dog actually hears, as in “Blah, blah, blah, Ginger. Blah, blah, blah.” Hmm, that could very well be our dogs, too.

Realistically, the following is an example of your dog’s decidedly limited – though functional – dictionary. (Definitions are provided by the dog, in random order, since dogs cannot alphabetize.)

Dictionary for Dogs

SIT - I do this with my butt and it seems to make you really happy.

STAY - I don’t move until you release me, or until something catches my attention – whichever comes first.

COME- What you call me when it’s time to eat; also, the background noise when I’m busy in the yard.

DAKOTA - See “Come” above.

DOWN - You want to rub my belly. Knock yourself out.

TOY - Any object on the floor that fits in my mouth.

DROP - Hang on tight. See “Toy” above.

LEAVE IT – Something stinky good is on the ground. Pull hard so we don’t pass it.

INSIDE - Where the toilet used to be.

OUTSIDE - Where the toilet is now.

BED - The tall comfy platform you sleep on. And that thing on the floor that I shredded.

WALK - Wear a leash to keep the human with me.

GOOD DOG – You like me. You really like me.

BAD DOG – I did something….I think.

What’s in YOUR dog’s dictionary??

Written by Rachel Baum

Tags: Dog Dictionairy, dog words, dogs know words, dogs understand words, words dogs know

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