Life Coach Magazine

Dehydration: 3 Simple Signs

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

Sometimes I need to major face-palm myself! I read an article today and it made so much sense to me that I actually did face-palm myself.


Because some common sense actually never crossed my mind!

I’ve been battling major headaches for quite some time now. I blamed it on:

  • Stress/Marriage/Work
  • Hormones/Menopause/Menstrual Cycle
  • Sinuses

But it never crossed my mind that I could be DEHYDRATED! {insert face-palm}

3 Simple Signs the COULD Indicate Dehydration

Don’t forget or I’ll get to face-palm YOU!


Dehydration: 3 Simple Signs

Apparently, when you’re dehydrated it can cause a decrease in blood flow and oxygen going to your head. When this happens, blood vessels in your head will dilate, cause swelling, and increase the pain of the headache. If you bend over, you may even feel dizzy or lightheaded. If you are at this point, you need to replenish with electrolytes and/or water immediately!

Dehydration: 3 Simple Signs

Simply put, if you are drinking fluids, you’re probably getting constipated, thus your wastes are not being expelled. DRINK SOME WATER!


Again, if you’re not drinking water, your wastes are staying within you body. Normally, fluids will push whatever is in your colon out. No water, no #2! DRINK SOME WATER!

So why is this so important?

Mainly because I feel like I’ve been hit with the stupid stick lately. With all these headaches, NOT ONCE did I think I could be dehydrated. But the other day at work, in the afternoon, I started to get a headache. I had just read an article about being dehydrated. Wholly crap! I started chugging water at work and continued throughout the evening, and by golly gee….. MY HEADACHE WAS RELIEVED!

Again with the face-palming!


If you are ever wondering why something is happening to you, Google and Bing can be your best friend or your enemy. Self-diagnosis can be good but still consult with a physician. Although I think I figured out my problem, I still have an appointment with my Family Physician and am getting blood work done.

Better to be safe than sorry!

For more signs of Dehydration, please read this very informative article from the Mayo Clinic


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