TV & Video Magazine

Deborah Ann Woll Thought Jessica Would End Up With Jason

Posted on the 28 August 2014 by Truebloodnetcom @truebloodnet

If I’m really honest, I thought she’d end up with Jason [Ryan Kwanten]. It seemed the way it was going, and I also was so fond of that storyline and so fond of Ryan. This took me a little by surprise. I’d been trotting down one path, and I had to make a change… [The writers] had mentioned to me they were planning on bringing [Hoyt] back before the season started, and there would be romantic ties. I assumed that it would be a triangle ending in a different way.

While the marriage to Hoyt was a spontaneous one in order to allow her maker, Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer) walk her down the aisle before he succumbed to Hep-V, Deborah Ann Woll had this to say about Jessica’s growth over seven seasons:

She was a girl who lived mostly on impulse when she was younger and let her feelings have her do whatever she needed to do in the moment. She had very little control. Certainly now, I think, she thinks before she leaps, and she understands when something is a vampire impulse that might not work in the modern world. That’s why this first episode was so interesting for her. It put her up against the one thing she couldn’t resist. In the end, I wanted her to be victorious.

Jessica managed to make it to the True Blood finale, but was Deborah ever concerned she might be killed off?

You worry a lot because it would be very heart-wrenching to many characters if Jessica died. Imagine the storyline for Bill if Jessica died. They could kill me off and have a field day with the results of that. I was always very nervous because it seems like such an emotionally powerful storyline.

What did you think of Jessica’s decision to chose Hoyt over Jason? Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!

Source: The Hollywood Reporter - ‘True Blood’s’ Deborah Ann Woll on Series Finale: “It Was Not What I Expected”

(Photo Credit: HBO Inc.)

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