Movies Magazine

Deathworld - Valley of the Violent Amish - Ideas of Characters

Posted on the 17 June 2014 by Georgewhite @georgew28573812
Setting - an Escape from New York-type prison on the Tex-mex border for all criminals, given lack of technology to turn them into docile creatures. Exterminators, hired assassins are hired by vengeful victims/victims' families to kill criminals.
WART, a weedy pale thirteen-year-old boy, thatch of straw-blond hair, dressed in ragged shorts and plaid shirt, victim.
BRECK, 45, exterminator, grizzled but well-preserved, close-cropped black hair, sideburns, rough-faced, tall, wearing a long duster coat covered in blood, mud and sweat, clearly a veteran of past skirmishes.
DOC HOWE, 50s, WART's dad, killed, folksy, short, bearded, genial rotund, check shirt, shorts, fishing hat, killed by FRANJU, FAUT, RESNAIS and VADIM.
CHANCELLOR ECKERSLEY, 50, black, grey-haired, tall, majestic, dressed in a gray dressing gown, held like an aristocrat, proudly cleaning a rifle, head of DEATHWORLD.
THE EUTHANISER, an exterminator, seven foot tall seventy-odd straggly-haired albino woman in a string vest and Bermuda shorts, wrinkled face, ugly, big nose, a bandolier of syringes hung around her vest.
CHASTITY IROQUOIS, a beautiful 6 foot 1 Amazonian Latina cop in her 20s, tattoos, lustrous black hair, dressed in tight leather uniform.
SLAYTON, a fifty-year-old Irishman, ginger-brown hair, moustachioed, fat, in flat cap, dressed in dark green jumper and brown waistcoat, smoking a cigar.
ARNE CASTEL, 30, blond, puffy, bloated, Swedish, in a white Aran sweater, eco-warrior.
KNIFE THE MAC, a long, lanky, thin robot made out of metal poles with rakes for arms and a toaster head, an Apple logo on his chest, his stomach made up of an old Apple Mac desktop.
FAUT, a tall, lean, smiling ring-master of indeterminate age, anywhere between twenty and fifty, lantern chin and shit-eating grin, wearing a tin foil morning suit and a NODDY HOLDER-style mirrored top hat.
FRANJU, 60, wild gray hair cascading from his scalp, eye-patch on his left eye, big moustache.
VADIM, dressed in polo neck jumper and flared jumpers with a striped white hoop pattern, young, smiling, wide eyed, longish hair scraped back.
RESNAIS, dressed in white linen suit and fedora, short, balding with thick mirrored milk-bottle sunglasses.
SOMBRERO, seven foot seven, fat, lounging in a chair, badly burnt, a giant sombrero masking his disfigured face, a scarred chin seen below the hat.
PA HUNNISET, reformed serial killer turned dairy farmer, Amish beard, tall, forbidding, seemingly quite genial, every now and then his dark side pours out.
"MAW" HUNNISET, PA's wife, actually his pig-tailed, hot-pants wearing teenage lover/child bride.
ASHLAND, a fussy, bowler-hatted, middle-aged, bespectacled British businessman, thrown into Deathworld after a dodgy deal.
FUKUSAWA, an old acquaintance of BRECK, a noble, elegant ninja, in his sixties, hair white as snow.
ORNITHOPTERS, large diamond-shaped purple helicopters with web-like propellers.
NEIL, a hover-cruiser, like a squashed LANDMASTER from "DAMNATION ALLEY", a flying catamaran, all white, very clinical, futuristic.
There are no cars, just PEDAL-BUGGIES and tricked-out PUSH-BIKES and PEDAL-TRIKES, armed with machine-guns, poisoned darts and so on, driven by leather-bound BIKERS. POLICE with electrified truncheons travel in electric-powered GOLF BUGGIES.
BRECK, older, moustachioed, grey-haired, sixty-odd, legitimate, like a Southern gentleman.
WART, aged 28, still youthful,  but with a hint of weariness in his face, blond, face stained with soot.
BALLANTINE, 50s, British colonel, middle-aged, greying, leader of the HELL-HAWK mercenary team.

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