Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Dark Purple Sweet Potato – Ipomoea Molokai

By Canarius

The sweet potato is a food rich in nutrients, low in caloric content and highly beneficial to our health. This herbaceous and perennial plant has great nutritional and medicinal potential, which has turned it into main food in some cultures.

Many of the benefits of this food are vitamins A and C, protein, potassium, magnesium, iron or calcium. Ingredients like vitamin C, is ideal for the growth and repair of body tissues or maintenance of cartilage, bone and teeth.

Sweet potato Ipomoea Molokai

Ipomoea batatas-molokai-oscuro-Púrpura-batata

In Canarius we have the sweet potato Ipomoea Molokai, a species of the family Convolvulaceae considered the darkest of all sweet potatoes, is from the Hawaiian island of Molokai.

It has spread rapidly across Europe and Asia and has a combination of brown, black, green, and violet colors that draws attention, despite its unsightly appearance.

In the case of the Ipomoea, it is also rich in flavonoids, has a great antioxidant, and anti-aging capacity. Preferably, we must locate it in a moist, hot, and bright place.

In general, sweet potatoes have benefits for our body like relief of the belly or inflammation in the joints

Nutritional and medicine use

In some cases, it has been described that the fresh leaves of the purple sweet potato help, in the early stages, in the treatment of cervical cancer. The formula, in this case, is its purple pigment, which is also found in other fruits and vegetables such as blueberries or red cabbage.


In relation to its nutritional use, there is a small problem when it comes to cooking the purple sweet potato, that is that it loses many properties. Some of the options to keep all its benefits are to extract the pulp and to take it like soup or infusion.

In other cases, are also a good option as an extra ingredient in the well-known Japanese food, sushi, or in a salad combined with other healthy foods.

In our online store, you can buy the Sweet Potato Ipomoea Molokai and other varieties like Ipomoea Batata Catalina Forastera or Ipomoea Batata Margarita.

All of them contain nutrients necessary for the organism and help improve health thanks to its benefits and we ship them in different formats according to the season and state of growth. You might receive one potted plant, or one tuber, or three rooting cuttings wrapped in sphagnum. ¡Get them!

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