Diaries Magazine

Coloring Books for Grown Ups

By Nicoleao @momfever

coloring books grown upsI’ve often tried to meditate.

But as soon as I sit down, my mind starts running around.

I know that’s to be expected, and that you just have to stick with it. But somehow the sense of peace and calm I try to accomplish by meditating always eludes me.

Then I heard coloring counts as a form of meditation. And all around me I hear people buying or printing coloring pages for adults, and having a great time coloring them. I myself haven’t though. I can’t help but feel coloring is for children, and that grown-ups should be doing something useful with their time.

Then I thought: ‘Wait a minute! Coloring to get some peace of mind is useful!’ So I did some research into how this therapeutic effect of coloring comes about.

What coloring can do for you

  • Apparently coloring helps you to ‘zone out’. To take your mind off things.
  • Coloring helps you to relax, which is good for you blood pressure
  • Sometimes a solution to a problem may pop into your head when you’re coloring
  • Coloring unlocks parts of your brain. Like the creative part

Grown-ups coloring books versus children’s coloring books

Grown-ups coloring books have different pictures for you to color, and they usually have more details. So they’re more difficult to color. So coloring a coloring books is not as childish as it might seem.

Nevertheless, I stíll haven’t been able to get myself to take up coloring.

I’m a coloring snob…

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