Environment Magazine

Climate Model Acronyms

Posted on the 13 July 2012 by Climatesight

Some climate scientists go overboard when naming their models, in an effort to create really clever acronyms. Here are my favourites.

  • GELATO (Global Experimental Leads and ice for ATmosphere and Ocean), a sea ice model from France. Often this is coupled to NEMO, an ocean model, to make NEMO-GELATO. As someone who grew up with Pixar films, I find this rather unappetizing.
  • TRIFFID (Top-down Representation of Interactive Foliage and Flora Including Dynamics), a vegetation model from the Hadley Centre which is also used in the UVic ESCM. Obviously there are some sci-fi fans at the Met Office.
  • SCAM (Single-column Community Atmosphere Model) from NCAR. What were they thinking?

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