Business Magazine

Chat Center Ditches the .me and Moves to a .Center

Posted on the 15 April 2015 by Worldwide @thedomains

John Biggs wrote an article on Tech Crunch yesterday with regards to Chat Center, according to its description Chat Center is the best way to help customers or friends connect with you for Chat. Once you install the app you can claim a Chat Name. This name can be expressed as a URL.

From the article:

When we last left ChatCenter it was running on the URL and was aimed at creating a one-stop spot for chatting. Now, a few months later, it has moved from a freemium product and gone full software as a service. It will offer $1.99 chat accounts so businesses can jibber jabber with customers via an embeddable widget and it has also snagged the Chat.Center. What a difference a quarter makes.

The app allows you to embed a chat window in any website and comes with an attendant iOS app (Android is coming soon). Early users can still chat with others via the app but you will have to buy a subscription if you want to keep your handle. The system supports embedded buttons as well as widgets that pop up the chat session on your page.

Read the full story on Tech Crunch

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