Lifestyle Magazine

Changes to UK Legislation: Get Married Any Time, Day Or Night!

By Claire

Mid­night wed­ding, anyone?

From Octo­ber 1 2012, the UK has joined the 21st cen­tury as out­dated restric­tions on mar­riage and civil part­ner­ship times are removed. The Home Office have announced that peo­ple want­ing to get mar­ried or reg­is­ter a civil part­ner­ship will now be able to do so any time of the day or night under the Pro­tec­tion of Free­doms Act. Cou­ples were pre­vi­ously restricted to between 8am and 6pm.

This is great news for the indus­try and any­one tying the knot”< says Aimee Dunne. “It allows cou­ples to plan a day that suits them, a mid­night mar­riage, or a part­ner­ship over breakfast.

It also gives venues and reli­gious groups more scope in offer­ing ser­vices that appeal to cou­ples tying the knot in the 21st century.

If there is one thing that cou­ples are always ask­ing me for as a plan­ner, it’s to make their day unique and less of the ‘typ­i­cal’ wed­ding; these changes will really help me to offer cou­ples wed­dings and part­ner­ships that are truly unique to them.

These changes show the Gen­eral Reg­is­ter Office are lis­ten­ing to what cou­ples want and shows a real effort to move mar­riages into the 21st century.

The Home Office have said that Local Author­i­ties are already plan­ning changes to their ser­vices and reli­gious groups have been made aware of the changes; it is how­ever yet to be seen how they will deal with pro­vid­ing ser­vices out­side of the tra­di­tional hours, and how this is man­aged will be a key fac­tor in how suc­cess­ful and pos­i­tive these changes are.”

The old time restric­tions dated back to 1837!

The orig­i­nal laws date back to 1837. Time restric­tions were intro­duced when the first Gen­eral Reg­is­ter Office was estab­lished, in a bid to pre­vent secret mar­riages. The hours were fur­ther extended in 1886 and then 1934. Civil part­ner­ships were then intro­duced in 2005, with the same time restrictions.

This change is one of a num­ber of mea­sures being intro­duced as part of the Pro­tec­tion of Free­doms Act, which received Royal assent in May this year. It was raised by mem­bers of the pub­lic through a cross-government sur­vey: ‘Your Free­dom’. Peo­ple had the chance to sug­gest ideas on restor­ing lib­er­ties that have been lost, repeal­ing unnec­es­sary laws and strip­ping away exces­sive regulation.

* * *

Thank you, Aimee, for enlight­en­ing us! There are far too many rules and reg­u­la­tions sur­round­ing wed­dings and it’s good to see this one binned! If only the equal mar­riage laws could be changed so eas­ily — I’d be happy!

Aimee Dunne is a Wed­ding and Event plan­ner based in Beck­en­ham, Kent and a mem­ber of the UKAWP

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