Food & Drink Magazine

Cevichè with Tomatoes, Cod and Holy Basil #177

By Delicious @matgalen
Cevichè with tomatoes, cod and holy basil #177
Cevichè is always a good idea but an even better idea once it´s hot outside, I have made a few variations of Cevichè here before but this time I added some tomatoes, this gives the dish a bit more sweet taste and almost resembles an Gazpacho (that I also made a few, link is below) that I think worked really good.
As always choose the freshest fish you can find and spend a little extra, as usual you´re only serving tapas so the cost won´t be too big anyway, good luck. For some other Cevichè recipes check out my previous Shrimp cevichè with mango or Cod cevichè with blood orange and chives.
For the gazpacho i recommend my Gazpacho salad or my Green gazpacho with cream cheese, happy cooking!

Cevichè with tomatoes, cod and holy basil

fresh codtomatoesholy basilolive oillime juicesalt, black pepperspring onionsred chiliDice the cod and tomatoes and combine, add lime juice, salt, pepper and sliced spring onions and chili and let marinate for half an hour. Roughly chop the holy basil and add to the fish, season with salt and pepper and let sit for another half hour. Before serving check the taste and adjust flavors if necessary.Cevichè with tomatoes, cod and holy basil #177
Cevichè with tomatoes, cod and holy basil #177
Cevichè with tomatoes, cod and holy basil #177

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