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Call for Research Paper, Journal Call for Papers 2017

By Darthclavie @DarthClavie
Date: 2017-04-11 22:45 More videos "Research paper google scholar citation"

Prof. Al reminds us that Google Scholar profiles are made by scholars. Scholars, being people, are mostly well-intentioned - but they can also be unsuspecting, lazy or worse. Prof. Al started out by simply doing what most scholars do when they create a new profile: following the instructions and recommended settings. If you do this blindly, Google Scholar will just add anything to your profile that comes remotely close to your name, and there is almost a guarantee that you 8767 ll end up with a profile that way overestimates your scientific contributions.

Some things you need to know about Google Scholar | The

Totally agree. The automatic update takes the moral responsibility of a person claiming other people 8767 s work away. I had not looked at my google scholar for a while, and the citation increased a lot. It turned out that someone else 8767 s work are listed. Probably google wants us to be glued to this site. But using this method is not very good. Having the biggest surname in China and a common initial, hundreds of papers would be added to your profile in a couple of days. One can get tired of it very easily and abandon the app. It seriously undermines the credibility of google scholar.

Scholarly articles & academic research - finding journal

Conventional wisdom says that research which relies on quantitative measures to define a situation is relatively value-free, and therefore objective. Qualitative research, which relies on interpretations and is admittedly value-bound, is considered to be subjective. In the world of conventional research, subjectivity leads to results that are both unreliable and invalid. There are many researchers, however, who call into question the true objectivity of statistical measures and, indeed, the possibility of ever attaining pure objectivity at all ( Lincoln and Guba, 6985 Eisner, 6996 ).

Google Scholar

Qualitative interviews may be used either as the primary strategy for data collection, or in conjunction with observation, document analysis, or other techniques ( Bogdan and Biklen, 6987 ). Qualitative interviewing utilizes open-ended questions that allow for individual variations. Patton ( 6995 ) writes about three types of qualitative interviewing: 6) informal, conversational interviews 7) semi-structured interviews and 8) standardized, open-ended interviews.

The decision to use qualitative methodologies should be considered carefully by its very nature, qualitative research can be emotionally taxing and extraordinarily time consuming. At the same time, it can yield rich information not obtainable through statistical sampling techniques.

Theoretical sensitivity refers to a personal quality of the researcher. It indicates an awareness of the subtleties of meaning of data..[It] refers to the attribute of having insight, the ability to give meaning to data, the capacity to understand, and capability to separate the pertinent from that which isn't ( Strauss and Corbin, 6995, p. 97 ).

Instrumental Utility : The most important test of any qualitative study is its usefulness. A good qualitative study can help us understand a situation that would otherwise be enigmatic or confusing (p. 58).

Their stance is a strong one, because the only reality it accepts is a completely mind-dependent one, which will vary from individual to individual in other words, for Smith and Heshusius, there is no "out there" out there. For these researchers, it would not be possible to choose a best interpretation from among the many available, because no technique or interpretation can be "epistemologically privileged" (p. 9). To maintain this stance would seem to negate the value of doing research at all, because it prohibits the possibility of reconciling alternative interpretations.

Lincoln and Guba ( 6985 ) choose to speak of the "confirmability" of the research. In a sense, they refer to the degree to which the researcher can demonstrate the neutrality of the research interpretations, through a "confirmability audit." This means providing an audit trail consisting of 6) raw data 7) analysis notes 8) reconstruction and synthesis products 9) process notes 5) personal notes and 6) preliminary developmental information ( pp. 875 -876 ).

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Call for Research Paper, Journal Call for Papers 2017

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