Food & Drink Magazine

Breathe Easier This Holiday Season with Red Laser

By Comowater @Como_Water
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Hola! I’m here today to give you a post with a different flavor. A few weeks ago I was contacted by the folks at DailyBuzzFood who let me know that I had been selected to try RedLaser and to blog about my experience. I was super excited to be selected given my December cooking classes, holiday shopping, and seemingly never-ending prep for Christmas dinner.

Red Laser is a free app available for download for iPhone, Android and Windows phones. The app allows you to scan or search for items to make sure you have all the information you need, including product details, ratings and price comparison. Here’s a little bit of information about my experience with it!

Download: The download couldn’t have been easier. I have an iPhone and downloaded the app seamlessly. No drama here!


Holiday Shopping: To be totally honest, I do not buy many gifts for the holidays, but I do like to send my sis and her family a themed care package each year (and I really hope she isn’t reading this post!) This year’s theme “Food from Around the World,” should have made putting together the package easy, no? Ah no! You see my sis has four kids, all with different dietary restrictions. That’s where Red Laser came in! As I walked through the stores I bought things from, I scanned food items to get dietary information. Then I sent questionable food items to her husband and he was quickly able to let me know whether they were yay or nay. Gluten free pasta, specialty pancake mix, exotic olive oils, delicate chocolates. All fit the theme and most importantly, they all align with her dietary needs. Easy peasy!


Cooking Classes: And I used Red Laser for my recent holiday cooking classes. Not only did I use the app to make lists for each class, but I also went through specialty food stores and scanned a bunch of products that I thought the participants in my classes would want to learn more about. It was a great way to expose folks to vegan products (the cooking classes focused on vegan cuisine) without actually buying all of the products and dropping all of my holiday cash in the process!


So from lists, holiday shopping and picking out groceries, RedLaser totally eased the stress that I would have normally felt during this holiday season. Now, if the app could only cook my Christmas dinner for me!

Breathe Easier This Holiday Season with Red Laser

This post is brought to you by RedLaser. Get the free app at RedLaser.

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