Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Breaking That Mental Wall

By Boisse

As we are “only” human, we all run into these walls at one time or another for various reasons. And we do bump! our heads — on the inside. Having inner conflicts that linger typically means we just haven’t done anything new to resolve them, while our approach likely lacks any real conviction.

Without knowing exactly how these walls work, you can still find comfort in understanding that “at least” it’s your own mind doing this and you CAN break mental patterns and gain control of your behavior. Alert! When your mind puts up a wall, you will become isolated from opportunities to grow and self improve while being deprived of new and useful information. Its confining affects are felt, for example, when you come across a new idea on how to solve a problem and you then end up unconsciously rejecting the “possible” solution. You do not get a chance to understand the merits of taking new action. Things just stay the same… Life remains one big long day full of repetitious re-runs of the past. Ugh!

In Free Mind Free Body, I discuss in detail the makings of our mental walls and how to stay out of that prison of our own design. The immediate benefits of avoiding self-imprisonment include increased happiness and success with a lot more opportunities for personal growth. Breaking down our mental walls is a process — not a mystery.

You can ask yourself:

1.   What do I know about this problem?
2.   What have I done to solve this conflict?
3.   Have I taken any new approaches to overcome this obstacle?

Okay, here is how you breakdown that mental wall to relieve your stress. Ready…? Now, begin by saying to yourself with absolute conviction, “I can do anything!” And fully commit to being open to new ideas and new approaches from now on, regardless of where or from whom you learn about these pearls of wisdom, and remember to keep all limiting thoughts away … Right?! It is not that easy… true. However, what if limiting or negative thoughts have just become an unconscious pattern or a habit, and perhaps for you positive thoughts don’t always come that easily?

Now realize that you can break down your own mental walls! It can be done. It is often accomplished. Many people have overcome limiting thoughts and negative habits by using the powers of their own mind. And, reading Free Mind Free Body will automatically break down those walls for you and open your mind to allow you to achieve more than ever before!

I understand how difficult it is to free the mind. And, learning how your mind works based on sound principles and concepts is no easy task. Many people have found new freedom for themselves with my book and have realized increased success in their personal and professional lives. Though, it is you who will have to break down your own walls from time to time. The first step is awareness. The next step is up to you!

– D. R. Boisse

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