Hair & Beauty Magazine

Book List #1

By Amandainneverland @amandajtweets
As some of you may know I'm a bit of a book worm. There's nothing I love more than curling up on a sofa or a bed surrounded by pillows getting lost in a good book. The only slight problem is that I am constantly buying books, therefore there becomes a pile up of 'need to read' books... My room will eventually look like this, I'm sure of it:
Book List #1
I've decided I'm going to start posting 'to-read' book lists and try to follow them. Hopefully that will stop me buying brand new books before I've read my huge pile of already existing books, and it will also take away the greif of me deciding what book to read next when I have finished one. :)
I'm going to post six, and once I read them all, I'll post another six. And only will I buy new books when I have read everything that is on my book shelf and on my kindle!
Book List #1
I'm currently reading 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close', I'm really enjoying it so far, and I will review it as soon as I have finished. :)
What are you reading at the moment? Are you like me hoarding books? Maybe you should make a book list too! :)
Book List #1

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