Comic Books Magazine

Bob Ross Marathon is Live Now!

Posted on the 30 October 2015 by Geekasms @geekasms
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Bob Ross Marathon is Live Now!

Everyone knows Bob Ross, whether they actually ever watched him when he was on PBS (or probably any other public broadcasting station) or not. But what we do know about the man: his narcoleptic tone and hippiestrong look was…different. He also had the strongest fro in the business. He’s now featured in hundreds of memes across the internet, even though he died  in 1995, during the relative infancy of the internet.

Bob Ross Marathon is Live Now!

My ex-wife is not a bird…

Twitch started airing a 200 hour marathon of all 400 Bob Ross episodes here. If you don’t like Twitch, you can watch Bob Ross on YouTube in smaller, more digestible nuggets.

Or, if you don’t have, like, 200 hours to be perfectly chill and happy with your life and you happy accidents, then check out Epic Rap Battle’s episode featuring Mr. Ross going mic-to-mic with Pablo Picasso, which is also pretty doggone fun:

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