Drink Magazine

Beer Review – Elysian Night Owl Pumpkin Ale

By Boozedancing @boozedancing

Elysian 3

The other day, I reached into the back of the beer fridge and pulled out a Night Owl Pumpkin Ale from Elysian Brewing Company. The only other Elysian product that I have tried is the Bête Blanche, a Belgian tripel. Always a fan of tripels, I enjoyed the Bête Blanche and thought while not quite a fan of pumpkin beers, I would give the one from Elysian a try. Elysian is a brewer from Seattle, WA that produces 6 year-round brews as well as some two specialty series (the Oddball and the Manic IPA) as well as six seasonals (including 4 pumpkin beers).

What they say…

A very drinkable pumpkin ale—brewed with seven and a half pounds of pumpkin per barrel and spiced in conditioning with ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and allspice.

I found the Night Owl to have the following characteristics…

  • Appearance: Nice deep copper color with a slowly dissipating tan foam.
  • Aroma: Sweet with hits of vanilla and baking spice; almost like the sweet smell of pumpkin custard.
  • Taste: A little fizzy with a big blast of sweetness; like drinking a pie filling without the all too familiar nutmegish aftertaste
  • ABV: 5.9%

While still not a fan of the style, I expected a rather off-putting hodge-podge of spices and lingering aftertastes. Instead, I was presented with a very well-balanced and flavorful brew. The Night Owl was very easy drinking (my better half even liked it; high praise indeed!) and a pleasant diversion from my regular beer.

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