Lifestyle Magazine

Because Sometimes, You’re Superwoman.

By Thesamanthashow


I’ll be the first to admit I’m not a perfect mom. In fact, sometimes I doubt myself and think I’m a terrible one. I lose my patience, I’m emotional, and I let stress get the best of me a lot of the time. Especially with everything I’ve been dealing with while holding down the home front. But the other day when I grabbed a Venti Iced Non-fat Caramel Macchiato in desperation of turning my day around, my friend who works at Starbucks handed me this. And as silly as it is, I almost cried. She had totally made my day and didn’t even know it.

I sat back and looked at everything I’ve been doing and thought you know what, I’m doing it. Despite the struggles and my mental breakdowns, I’m doing it. So often I focus on all of the things I’m not doing or everything I’m doing wrong that I forget to look at what I’m doing right. And then I need to remind myself I’m doing the best I can. And that I need to give myself some credit. Because sometimes, I’m Superwoman.

And I know all of you are too and don’t give yourself the credit you deserve.

It’s okay to say that! It’s okay to think that! I’m sure people are always telling you they’re not sure how you do it. Whether you work outside the home or stay at home. Whether your husband travels, works long hours, or you’re a single mother. I’m sure people are always telling you how strong you are and how much they admire you. But let me guess, you don’t believe it.



None of us are perfect and we’re just doing our best to be good wives and raise sweet babies. There’s nothing wrong with reminding yourself how good of a job you’re doing. Once in awhile you need to sit on the couch, look around at your clean (or messy house, who the hell cares), your healthy, clothed, and fed and HAPPY babies, and realize that all of that was you. That you, singlehandedly, are responsible for all of that. And that at the end of the day, they think you’re Superwoman and you should start seeing yourself that way too.

So here’s looking at you friend. Because sometimes you’re Superwoman and you need to let yourself own that




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