Religion Magazine

Be The Miracle

By Ldsapologetics
Christ performed many miracles but the greatest miracle He performed was His life and ministry.
He taught us to love God as much as we love ourselves and all His children, even our enemies.
Gandhi said "If you don't find God in the next person you meet, it is a waste of time looking for him further."And Saint John Chrysostom said: "If you do not find Christ in the beggar at the church door, neither will you find Him in the chalice."Seeing God in the eyes of everyone of His children will awaken all of us. Seeing people in that light is miracle enough. I feel that that is how Christ viewed each person He met in this life.If we can see the light of God in the eyes of each person we meet, even our enemies who despise us. Doing so makes it easier to respond compassionately in the face of contempt and hate. It may even move us to forgive those who murder us by saying something like "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.We often pray or ask, even beg for miracles but rather than pray for them it is more beneficial to be the miracle.We can see people in the ways that Christ saw those He met. That's what Yogananda called Christconsciousness. And that is the biggest miracle we can be a part of because seeing others in that light then results in further miracles. That consciousness results in miracles of compassion, understanding, forgiveness and unconditional love.We can work miracles in the lives of many by seeking after Christconsciousness. We can free others but first we must free ourselves. I believe religion is about controlling yourself not controlling the lives of others. Forcing others to live your religion won't free them unless what you offer is compassion and insight, kindness and generosity but above all offering love without limits or conditions. Those things will result in a change of heart and spiritual insights and depth.True miracles soften and change hearts and open minds. Be the miracle that offers spiritual fruits not religious nuts. We can choose to be the miracle that Christ guided us to in all His teachings. The alternative is to wish for miracles that may only result in fleeting blessings.But in being the miracle, developing Christconsciousness will start a domino effect of blessings in our lives and in the lives of those around us.We may not be able to walk on water but that doesn't mean we can't offer forgiveness rather than condemnation to an adulteress. Or offer understanding where others know all they need to know. We can feed the hungry. We can offer love to the hateful who have likely never known real love. We can help others get back on their feet after a calamity.We can offer friendship to a stranger and make them feel welcome. We can clothe the naked. We can visit those in prison and in hospitals. We can do and say and especially see and feel the way that Jesus did. That is the biggest miracle that we could ever work; to spread the light of Christ.Be The Miracle

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