Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Arizona’s New Water Rush Raising Tensions

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

Arizona’s new water rush raising tensions

BOWIE — Farmers from California and Arizona are pushing to drill wells and pump unregulated water in Cochise County, triggering intense rivalries and calls for a crackdown.

Some farmers from the drought-parched, increasingly regulated Central Valley of California want to plant pistachios and other crops here, largely to feed China’s growing demand for tree nuts. But others who are already here and pumping water want the state to limit new irrigation.  Sourced through from:

GR:  Everyone acknowledges that groundwater is a limited resource that will all be gone one day, but no one acknowledges that the riparian habitats along streams and springs fed by groundwater have either already disappeared or will disappear over the next few years. Such blind ambition is destroying our wildlife.  Arizona farmers, “Wealth isn’t just bank balances, it’s also the beauty of our surroundings.”

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