Politics Magazine

America As a Jewish Country

Posted on the 26 May 2017 by Calvinthedog

IC: “If you are so smart, why aren’t you rich?”

Of all of the retarded sayings of the Moronican retards, that is one of the stupidest of all.

It also shows that the only true religion of Americans is money. Americans worship money. Forget all that Christianity crap. Americans worship money far more than they worship God or Jesus.

That’s not a good thing to say about someone. To say about a country that the one thing they value above all other things is money is not a compliment. It’s an insult. You are saying that the people of that country are lousy people. Because if you worship money above all other things, really you are a lousy human being. You can put 2 and 2 together and figure out my general opinion of my fellow Americans and this asinine, poisonous culture of theirs.

Notice I say theirs, not ours or mine. I don’t really consider myself an American, at least not culturally. I’m an alien in this country too not only among men but within the nation’s body politic and common culture  itself. I’ve felt like I was living in a foreign country my whole life.

I think the commenter did not understand the article. Perhaps they should go back and read it again. His comments reflect the exact opposite of what this article stated.

The point of the post that the commenter is commenting on is that there is a weak relationship between money and brains. We are talking about two different things: money and brains. Just because you have a lot of one doesn’t mean you have a lot of the other. This is another stupid, cheap and tawdry belief of the Americans. That the more money you have, the more intelligent you are. And the less money you have, the more of an idiot you are. By having this value, Americans show that they have no understanding of human intelligence at all. Nor do they understand money and how it is acquired in the first place. So Americans worship money, but they don’t even understand how it is acquired. Isn’t that stupid?

It’s clear that at the high IQ range, functionality and adaptability fall way off. At some point, with every IQ point you go up, you become poorer, more psychologically disordered and less functional.This piece discusses how it is normal for many IQ 160+ men to have more or less failed at American life. Many are working at very low level jobs. They are often low income or in poverty. Psychologically, they have serious problems. They are single, live alone in lonely lives and seldom if ever date. If this is the known, scientific reality of very high IQ people, isn’t it quite retarded of Americans to equate money with intelligence.

So brains is one thing, and money is another. Quit equating the two. They do not have much to do with each other, and at some point, they have an inverse relationship. You don’t need brains to get money. It’s just another idiot belief of foolish Americans and their junk culture.

In summary, this is not a Christian country in any way, shape or form. It’s more of a Jewish country than a Christian country by orders of magnitude. No Christian country would worship money above all other values. That is something a Jewish country would do. So in that sense, America is actually a Jewish country full of 330 million Jews. Call them Judaized Gentiles, call them Jews, call them whatever you want. The essence of things is what is important, not the object itself or it’s surface appearance. Heidegger makes this quite clear.

This is also why we will never have anti-Jewish pogroms here. So even American Nazis would not be able to carry out a pogrom. They would get all set to go kill some Jews and then they would stop themselves, look in the mirror that and realize that if they are to kill Jews, they need to start with themselves. Even American Nazis and antisemites are very Jewish, much to their shame. It’s just one more thing that discredit obsessive and homicidal antisemites. They’re actually the very thing that they hate so much! 

Money is the jealous God of the Americans. The only true religion of the Americans is the religion of Hucksterism!

We are all Jews now.

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