Lifestyle Magazine

Alternative Wedding Dress Ideas from House of Fraser

By Claire

… so when Alice got in touch to tell me about House of Fraser I was scep­ti­cal: expen­sive wed­ding dresses, a bridal depart­ment to rival your aver­age designer wed­ding dress bou­tique, I thought. I was so wrong! You can get your hands on a wed­ding dress from House of Fraser for a cou­ple of hun­dred pounds. And they’re gor­geous. Here are a few of my favourites — cho­sen by me, with Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog read­ers in mind! The guest blog post is writ­ten by Alice (who knows more about the dresses than I do!)

Alter­na­tive wed­ding dress options for UK brides

There are thou­sands of beau­ti­ful wed­ding gowns all over the world just wait­ing to be cho­sen as someone’s dream dress. The ques­tion is how do you find your dream dress? The thought of choos­ing your wed­ding dress may seem daunt­ing; decid­ing which style, cut or color to choose; whether to opt for ivory or clas­sic white; vis­it­ing 100 dif­fer­ent bridal stores.

Choos­ing your dress is the begin­ning of your fairy tale, so it is impor­tant to pick a dress which will stand out, and look as if it was made espe­cially for you. Because of this, I have cre­ated this post to help brides find their per­fect dress, with­out vis­it­ing bridal stores. I have cho­sen a selec­tion of my favorite dresses by dif­fer­ent design­ers, which I think are absolutely gor­geous and orig­i­nal for the per­fect bride.

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wedding dress House of Fraser (5)

wedding dress House of Fraser (8)

Dress by Biba: Why try so hard to fit in… when you were born to stand out?!

This one shoul­dered beaded maxi gown is the per­fect choice for a Greek god­dess. Made from silk chif­fon, this dress will keep you ele­gant dur­ing the warmer seasons.

The gor­geous detail on the shoul­der cre­ates a sense of occa­sion, per­fect for a bride want­ing to stand out.

wedding dress House of Fraser (3)

wedding dress House of Fraser (4)

‘Eliz­a­beth’ Dress by Phase Eight: Taste­ful Lace

If lace is your cho­sen style, then this dress would be ideal. Embed­ded with beads and crys­tals this gown is per­fect for an ele­gant wed­ding. Reveal­ing a cut out at the back, Phase Eight have cre­ated a masterpiece.

wedding dress House of Fraser (1)

wedding dress House of Fraser (2)

Gor­geously clas­sic: Maria Dress by Phase Eight

Vin­tage and time­less: This stun­ning lace dress by Phase Eight pro­vides a clas­sic feel. Audrey Hep­burn in break­fast at Tiffany’s springs to my mind when look­ing at this per­fectly clas­sic dress!

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wedding dress House of Fraser (11)

wedding dress House of Fraser (12)

‘Car­rie’ Dress by Anoushka G: Short but sweet

This stun­ning spin on the clas­sic wed­ding dress pro­vides an ele­gant and roman­tic feel. With beau­ti­ful detail on the shoul­der and round the waist its sub­tle style cre­ates a mag­i­cal feel for your big day.

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Dress by Theia: A thou­sand kisses

This gor­geous applique maxi bridal gown uses the best qual­ity Euro­pean fab­rics, and has stun­ning detail with cou­ture bead­ing. Suit­able for any style or themed wed­ding this gown pro­vides sophis­ti­cated detail.

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wedding dress House of Fraser (13)

‘Grace’ Dress by Anoushka G: Sim­ple but beautiful.

This sim­ple dress aims to focus on the intri­cate detail on the back, with a stun­ning A line this dress is designed for beau­ti­ful brides all over the world.

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