Health Magazine

Agitated Depression Exposed

Posted on the 26 August 2012 by Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

ID 10065960 Agitated Depression Exposed

While I have received a number of queries from women asking me if I believe they may have bipolar after explaining I am not qualified to offer any medical assumption, but instead offer a personally theory to the symptoms they portray to me, they are often shocked when I mention “agitated depression”.

Agitated Depression Exposed

Agitated depression has similar symptoms to that of bipolar. You could refer to agitated depression as being a mixed mood. While you suffer from a depressive low mood, you also become anxious and agitated.  It affects people differently so instead of the low mood you could be rather excitable yet still feel scared and jumpy.  A mixed mood, which is why so many jump to the conclusion they must have bipolar.

Agitated depression is also known as agitated major depression or mixed mania. This form of depression can be difficult to diagnose, so you may have it without even realising. As you can see it can be misdiagnosed for bipolar.

Agitated depression consists in three major forms;

  • Excited Agitated Depression – psychic agitation and racing thoughts
  • Non-psychotic Agitated Depression – a moderate depression with the agitated symptoms
  • Psychotic Agitated Depression – a severe form of melancholia

This form of depression is not widely known or discussed so many will not even know it exists. As with any form of depression it brings with it many symptoms can include:

  • Feelings of irritation
  • Restlessness
  •  Anger
  •  Insomnia
  •  Fidgeting, or racing thoughts

In personal experiences I have also noticed that pulling at the hair, pacing up and down and rubbing of skin are also very common symptoms. Suffers can become very angry and will have bursts of shouting and fast paced talking spells.

If you think you maybe bipolar, it may well be that you suffer from agitated depression instead.


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