Books Magazine

A Story of Greed, Obsession and Deception—for Kids.

By Maytpapa

C had a challenge for me when we brainstormed for the fourth and last book in the Oishi Peso Smart Kids series. He said, what if we made a picture book based on Denis Diderot’s “Regrets sur ma vielille robe de chambre ou avis a ceux qui ont plus de gout que de fortune” (Regrets on my dressing gown or advice to those who have more taste than fortune). Off the top of my head, I told him the story won’t fit into the current format, because Diderot was an adult character, and it would be a biography. I tried to sway him by suggesting other topics, but he was firm and he was convinced that we should do it.

Good thing C had faith I will mull it over till I got a story, and in no time I was able to think of a story. Then we spent several meetings spread over a year fine-tuning the story before we turned the manuscript over to the magical hands of Beth Parrocha Doctolero. The book is now printed, and will soon be available as freebies in your favorite Oishi Cuckoo bag this Christmas. Meanwhile, talks are already underway for making all 4 Oishi Peso Smart Kids books available in bookstores. Will keep you posted!

A story of greed, obsession and deception—for kids.

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