Self Expression Magazine

A Real Caulbearer

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

1485234-200Shannon Lee Wolf is a glutton for punishment. She just keeps digging herself deeper and deeper into a huge whole.

Initially I would just ignore this woman and her crafty and vain attempts due to the fact that I am a productive person, and one who is far ahead of her intellectually as well as spiritually.

However, I am moved by spirit to convey this message.

I knew that this one was coming, I was just waiting for how it would be presented out to me by the ever contemplating bullshit of Shannon Lee Wolf.

Well number one, I am exceptional and very rare as an individual. And I was born with a unique power and I do have genuine psychic abilities that cannot be compared to (different people are anointed in their own various modes for their own specific purposes and by their own distinctive nature).

I have an extremely strong spirit and a natural connection to the spirit world and to the universe. I am also very intelligent, very talented in many different areas, and very blessed.

And, there is nothing that anyone can do to change or to take away from any of that. And there is definitely nothing that anyone can do to refute the gifts and the so called “grandeur” which have been beautifully bestowed upon me so trying to deny or to downplay the truth about who I definitely am and what I definitely do possess will not in any way whatsoever have any affect on my state of mind or state of well-being.

Highness in any form is not defined by whether or not others are able to recognize within or without of it.

I am not the insecure type -nowhere near it- and I will not go out of my way to try to prove anything to anybody because there is no need or desire for me to do so. I really and truly do not care.

When a person is authentic they are not worried in the least as to the attacks, opinions, misgivings, or ignorance of others because it is absolutely irrelevant to their circumstance and/or situation. Why should one seek to defend what they live and breath? What they are made up of? That is the most ridiculous concept!

My first natural reaction would be to shrug off the ludicrous nonsense as I inevitably did. The lack of knowledge on the part of those in particular just serve as reminders and to the further advancement of the infinite scope.

And so laughable considering that I have literally saved peoples lives through my predictions.

And it is so weird and twisted how Shannon Lee actually thinks that she can manipulate my mind through the use of her own contrived techniques along with the excerpts that are strictly derived from my own writings and phrases.

She cannot come up with certain impressions/content of and on her own so she frequently uses my styles and mode of expression to throw right back at me!

( Just like when she comes to my blog to gather information from my numerous writings to convert into her phony books regarding caulbearers -the last resorts and the lousy attempts to endeavor to make the money that she cannot otherwise acquire due to her well deserved unfortunate predicament ).

She’ll always be a poor struggling writer with no true noteworthy success!

Whoever falsely informed Shannon about me surely set her up for a very hard downfall. Yes, that’s right. Let’s not pretend that this all just genuinely started with the article by “The Way”.

Shannon needs to remember that I am the “real one” who is born with a caul. Indeed not her!  So she does not need to even go there. Aside from Shannon’s sickness, I do not even understand why she continues to keep insisting that she is a caulbearer when she definitely is not and I would meet the bitch in person and tell her that straight to her face!

That article was just an excuse to divert true intentions that did not go all too well.

Without going into the obnoxious and gory details, people have been coming after me for years (and using different people to do it) on account of who I am and because of the gifts that I possess. No, of course, everyone was not fully aware of what I had or to the extent thereof, nevertheless, the ones who did have a clue as to my identity never let the ordeal die down.

People like me are dangerous, and we are scarce (rare and hard to find or to come by) in this day and age. And I cannot be touched or affected by the negativity or bullshit that is intermingled with “the garbage type of people” (I am too spiritual), and I will not dare to let anyone stop or to discourage me in anything.

What the problem is is that I am a person who rawly imparts the truth in a world that likes to put fear into people in order to control them. The plan was to make me look as if I did not know what I was talking about -even though they absolutely knew that I did- regarding the things that I spoke of. To stop me from writing altogether (on or offline). And to get me off the internet pernanently.

What better plan than to attempt to discredit someone who was not and who would not turn to corruption.

There are many demons out there who place and who seek to place darkness and negativity onto and towards the good yet it does not and will not always work upon everyone.

My psychic abilities are very intuitive and very accurate and on point, and I am not oblivious to any of the slightest design.

Shannon Lee Wolf is in connection and concoction with others that I personally “know of”, and who have tried in so many far from ingenious ways, forms, and fashions to try to bring me down in the past.

They had initially sent her because she was just another flunky who had nothing else going on for herself and within her life. And because she has the ability to maneuver the heads of like-minded individuals who share her same mentality and who are vulnerable to, or who are easily influenced by her attacks or tactics that are the notorious derivatives of evil black magic/witchcraft.

Without a doubt, Shannon Lee is so very jealous of me. Of course, I do not expect her to admit it verbally. Yet I know cognitively, and it is all too evident within all of her responses and activities.

The woman is so envious of my intellect and knowledge. My writings and content. That is the real reason that she started following my blog in the first place. To keep up to date so that she could steal my material. And I was already aware that she was stealing other people’s work before certain people came to me talking about her.

I did not need the confirmation of anyone to prove to me that Shannon Lee wolf was a liar and a poser! Though I did appreciate their coming forward and putting their trust in me.

That is how I knew that they were telling the truth in the first place. They had just verified what I knew to be true all along.

And as more truth be told there are no hackers. I know that it makes Shannon feel better to actually believe that there were some since she is unable to cope with the harsh realities of those who have recognized her for the female version of the new Jim Jones.

Shannon needs to also lay off of this bullying and this dark caulbearer crap. Sounds so warped as it is purely a reflection of her own disturbed creation and a fabrication of the taunted imagination.

I honestly do not know or have never been in any contact with this person that she revealed as “Wolfesbane”. For a caulbearer who’s caul got left behind inside the tunnel of her mother’s rotten and smelly crotch-she sure does not have any insight at all!

For a caulbearer who’s caul slipped off her face because her abusive boyfriend told her so-she sure did not know who her friends were. Yet she claims to be “in tune”. Why didn’t she know in advance that someone would dig up her personal business then post it onto the internet for public observation?

And although I have never corresponded with the person-whoever they are-who actually got a hold of the information then uploaded those files up unto the web, I applaud their momentous deed and was so honored and privileged to take further delight in the matter by lending a helping hand in spreading the very important news and awareness.

Maybe Shannon’s boyfriend (Johnny Blade) abused her so much by knocking her upside the head with his fist that the abilities that she never had to begin with became automatically dormant.

And I definitely was not wrong about Shannon at all.

The woman is weak. And she was so easy to destroy. She has been ruined for a long time now! She just cannot see it! Before she came onto the scene she wasn’t shit, it had just gotten worse later on.

And this last quote from Shannon lee: “If your blogs about me were to be deleted from the internet, we could both just go about our business and think of one another no more. It’s a very simple thing to do, and all of this silliness would end”.

I have been writing and blogging for years about my own thoughts, experiences, life in general, and other issues in particular way before this woman even came into the picture. How did my blogs start or begin to become about her? This is all news to me!

Just another attempt to stop me from writing period.

The audacity for her to dictate to me what to do with my written posts about what is going on within my life.

To be honest I do not randomly think of Shannon Lee Wolf at all. I know things and I feel things about her just like I do with anything and everyone else when the moment calls for it, but I have been went about my way. I was never left behind. She is not able to move on alone and on her own. This silliness will end when she stops coming to my blogs to steal my shit (although I know that she will not no time soon).

It is the principal of the matter. I hate people who try to take from others to build their self up when they have absolutely nothing.

The manipulators always twist and turn things around when they cannot get over in doing their dirt. So then I (and everyone else who is equip and who is not easy prey) become the one’s who are the culprits-I have no time for that bullshit!

If I am so dark and not as special as she wishes that I wasn’t, then why keep coming to my blog? If Shannon Lee Wolf would stop coming to my blog there would be absolutely nothing for me to mention about her. I could care less about the spiritual attacks that she tries to work against me. Anything that she does is just a waste of time and will backfire on her like it already has!

From Shannon’s own words:

( Marsha Crystal Starchild the woman who is attacking you is very evil.

The Curious Caul Yes Marsha, she is. I’ve been bullied before, but this one is very different. Evil to the core. Only Archangels have the force to fight her. There is no way I could do it on my own! )

Well, I know that Shannon Lee Wolf will be leaving a host of comments just about every day or every other day as she continuously does, however, I will not respond to any of them. Or to the incognito perpetrators that she sends to private message me, follow me (my blogs), or comment for a reaction (to get a rise out of me and whatever else that is foolish) whenever she does not get the response from me that she is looking for.

Goodbye Shannon, unlike you I have a steady roof over my head, an occupation to indulge in, and a steady income that flows within my home. I have a life that definitely does not include you!

And if you do not understand that honey, then you’d better go and reach back up into your mother’s cunt and take out that imaginary caul then rub it all around your eyes and deep into your face so that you can see and discern a little bit more clearer!


shannonleewolf x
[email protected] Submitted on 2013/07/25 at 3:38 pm | In reply to shannonleewolf.

LaToya….Something that just occurred to me, that I never told you. When I cited your blog as verbatim text to The Way (i.e. Bob Crosbie) yours was the only other site that carried his message. At that time, there were so many sites and forums with his “words of wisdom” that led to his caul bearer cult…that it was unclear if your blog might be just another one of his identities, as he had so many. Because you hadn’t given him credit for the text, it seemed very probable that “you” were “him”. (All professional and even newbie writers know how to avoid plagiarism.

When I got the clear picture that I was mistaken that you could be him, I did apologize to you, LaToya. Most people, caul bearers or not, would have accepted the apology and left it as water under the bridge. But strangely, you opted to take it as an invitation for war. How odd. But, at that time…I didn’t understand that there were Dark caul bearers, lol. I naively thought that we were all of the Light. I learned very quickly that this wasn’t at all the case! And I began learning the ways of the caul bearer dark side. It all equalled revenge and punishment -Truth and Honor left to the wayside.

But, yeah, Crosbie knew that I was tired of seeing his numerous sites set as traps for Good caul bearers looking for support and understanding to become ensnared in, and that I offered a safe and private site for Good caul bearers. He preaches hate and disdain for “garbage people” just like you do. So he tried to have my site shut down for simply using one word. “Caulbearer”. He claims to “own” the word. It seems that like you, he thought that I was weak and easily “destroyed”. And like you, he was wrong.

I’m a Good caul bearer. I’m no where near as “weak” or “stupid” as you have determined. I work for the Light Side and you, Rich Williams, and Crosbie (The Way) work for the Dark Side, along with many many others. Caul bearers on the Dark Side are very self assured, arrogant, and presumptuous. What they fail to recognize is that we Good caul bearers are in tune to you all, 100%. We are quiet, but see you. We know you. And when you throw fire balls at us…we watch you.

shannonleewolf x
[email protected]
Submitted on 2013/07/23 at 6:50 am

And…you keep on insisting that I am morbidly jealous of you. Again, I’m puzzled. Why would I be jealous of you? You wrestle with yourself and torment yourself with delusions of grandeur and a sense of power and psychic abilities that you don’t have at all. You believe that sharing one’s childhood vulnerabilities makes them weak, which is really quite sad. You believe that bullying and harassing others is a sign of strength. How backwards is that?

When I first subscribed to your blog, I was interested in a caul bearers perspective. I wanted to read what you had to say – is that so very evil? We had a tiff over the information you shared from The Way site, I apologized, and it should have been done with. But it was you who began flying off the handle with your strange rantings about me. You began to morph everything I did into something dark and awful. But you made it all up in your head. And you pretend that I’m all twisted up inside and have no peace or contentment. I don’t mean to sound rude, but after awhile, it just becomes amusing to watch you spinning out of control inside of your own darkness.

You can sidle up to hacker Rich Williams (Wolfesbane) all you like, and make believe that everything he has to say is true. But it doesn’t make it true, now does it? The both of you are so obsessed with me, it’s just plain weird. And funny to watch. But do I appreciate your actions? Of course not. If your blogs about me were to be deleted from the internet, we could both just go about our business and think of one another no more. It’s a very simple thing to do, and all of this silliness would end.

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