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7 Daily Habits Of Happy And Successful Salon Owners

Posted on the 03 August 2017 by Jennquinn

I’ll admit it: I’m a sucker for those self-development meet pursuit of happiness fiction novels. In fact, I’ve just finished Paulo Coehlo’s “The Zahir” this week. You see, like many others before me, I often wonder what happiness is, when you know you’ve found it, and what you have to do to maintain it. Significant events such as getting a promotion, a new job, going on a holiday – they all bring you moments of joy, but they’re also proven not to last. There is no perfect formula nor is there any magic potion to make happiness appear and stay. Hence, all you can do is look for habits to maintain, and trust me; there are loads listed out on many different business blogs. We invite you to try out our top 7, and see how close they get you to all the happy and successful salon owners of this world!

Happy And Successful Salon Owners…

1. Plan Their Day The Night Before And Get Up Early In The Morning

Weren’t quite expecting that as the first tip perhaps? Well, contrary to what you might think, there are multiples advantages to setting your alarm clock a little earlier than usual. Early risers tend to see an increase in productivity and creativity, but they also have the time to eat a proper breakfast – must I remind you that it is the most important meal of the day? – and can enjoy the quietness of the morning. No noise, no kids, no cars bustling down the street (or at least less of all that).

Sure, don’t get me wrong, I love to sleep. The trick is, if you plan your day the night before and head to bed just a little bit earlier, then you can slowly start waking up 15-30 minutes before the usual. Over time, you will feel more at peace going to bed, will have a more restful sleep, get loads done before anyone is actually in work and best of all, you’ll see your mood change dramatically (for the best)!

2. Read (A Whole Lot!)

It’s no secret: reading helps you learn from others’ mistakes, and it’s the number one place to look for inspiration. Don’t panic: I’m not saying you should read a book a week! Start slow, but introduce reading into your weekly routine. If you wanted you could even just listen to chapter-by-chapter book summaries to ease you into the habit of reading. Alternatively, tune into Phorest FM weekly to get great advice from our salon software experts!

successful salon owners

3. Make Time For Mindfulness And Exercise

“Mens sans in corpore sano”, or in other words: a healthy mind in a healthy body. Exercising has proven to help people reset and recenter, clear their mind and increase overall motivation thanks to our bodies releasing chemicals called endorphins. For the stressful life of a salon owner, mindfulness can also help reduce everyday anxiety, boost moods and improve one’s quality of work. In fact,, an online health consultation platform, discusses the subject in this related article.

4. Minimise Distractions

Successful salon owners reduce distractions – emails, phone notifications, etc. Instead, they tackle their biggest task of the day first, and batch-check their emails, for instance, twice a day. Find what works best for you, but keep in mind that the goal here is to make room for productivity. This, ultimately, will give you more time to do what you like!

Related | 7 Approaches To Beat Fatigue And Restore Salon Productivity

5. Spend Time With People Who Inspire Them

Number one rule to happiness? Leave what’s bringing you down behind. By spending time with individuals who make you happy and inspire you, you will quickly see your confidence levels go up and feel more creative. Remember this: ambition is contagious.

successful salon owners

6. Focus On Their Own Goals (Daily & Long-Term)

Spending time on things you don’t have the time to do or simply don’t want to do? Stop. Chances are you feel like everything you do only ever benefits others. Happy and successful salon owners focus on their own goals, big or small, daily or long-term. It ensures consistency and helps you focus on what’s really important for you.

“If you don’t build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs.” – Tony A. Gaskins Jr.

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7. Get Things Done!

If you only ever talk and never get anything done, you’re going to find yourself running in circles with no concrete result. Assess risks, take actions and assume them! It’s a learning process called life. You can’t expect to know everything, but you can learn from every experience.

Getting Started In 3 Easy Steps

  1. Pick one of the above suggestions.
  2. Integrate it into your daily routine.
  3. When, over time, you notice it’s truly become a habit, pick another suggestion, and repeat the whole process.

Thanks for reading,


Featured imaged shot on location of the Roller Blow Bar. © 2017 Phorest Salon Software.

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