Diet & Weight Magazine

50 Effective Weight Loss Tips That Are Proven to Work

By Barun K.

women with measuring tapYou want tried-and true, scientifically supported tips on weight loss?

We’ve got them!

Fast weight loss is a matter of incorporating as many of these good habits into your lifestyle as you can, so without any delay, here they are – 50 effective weight loss tips that you can put to work starting now!

1. Drink more water, especially before meals

Not only does drinking water fill you up, but it makes sure you stay hydrated which is a key to a high metabolism, and fat-burning.

Water consumption lowers the amount of fat in your body, as it helps the kidneys and liver flush fat out, along with the toxins it carries.

Drink at least eight 8-ounce glass a day.

2. Eat enough food

If you starve yourself, it actually slows the metabolic process.

Every time you eat, your metabolism goes into gear, so eating healthy small meals throughout the day, can help keep you burning calories throughout the day.

Women should never go below 1200 calories, and men should never eat less than 1500.

3. Drink one cup of coffee in the morning

Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, so your daily java jolts can rev your metabolism 5 to 8%—about 98 to 174 calories a day.

Just don’t over do it, because too much caffeine can throw your adrenals out of balance, and cause weight to stay on.

4. Eat breakfast

This one meal revs up your metabolism for the whole day.

Eat breakfast and you are also less likely to munch on fattening snacks later in the day.

5. Skip the sugar

The one food that adds the most calories to your diet without adding any nutrients is sugar. Find ways to replace it until you aren’t eating refined sugar at all.

6. Drink green tea

green tea leaf
Epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, a potent antioxidant thought of by some as a sort of kryptonite to body fat is in green tea in large amounts.

Drink it and become a superwoman of fat burning.

Read:-  9 Ways Green Tea Can Help You Lose Weight Naturally 

7. Add fiber

Adding fiber to your diet can increase fat burn by up to 30% because it takes more calories for your body to digest it.

Foods that are full of fiber includes beans, broccoli and Brussel Sprouts.

8. Get plenty of sleep

Sleep helps you lose weight in many ways. It prevents late night snacking (a supply of unwanted extra calories.) Sleep deprived people also burn less calories – up to twenty percent fewer than their well-rested counterparts.

A University of Chicago study found that even for people who ate and exercised the same amount, if they didn’t get enough sleep, they simply didn’t lose as much weight.

9. Fill up on plant-based protein

Protein helps you stay full and boosts your metabolism.

You can make a shake, or just fill yourself with salads and whole fruits. The more the better.

10. Eat Consciously

Do you eat in front of the television or stuff food into your mouth while driving in traffic?

Eating more consciously will make sure that you pay attention to what you are eating, but scientific research proves you’ll eat fewer calories.

11. Change bad habits

You know that reaching for a cookie or chips instead of fiber and plant-based foods is a bad habit.

Don’t beat yourself up when you continue that habit, but do try to replace bad habits with good ones.

One at a time. These new habits add up, and result in a better you.

12. Replace soda with tea

Speaking of changing bad habits —  soda is filled with empty calories.

Think of switching this beverage out with tea. In a recent study, participants who combined a daily habit of 4-5 cups of green tea with a 25-minute sweat session (or 180 minutes a week), lost 2 more pounds than the non tea-drinking exercisers.

13. Make your sandwich with only one slice of bread

By doing so you can get rid of an extra 70-90 calories.

14. Add quinoa to your diet

For a whopping 8 grams of protein for every cup you consume, plus loads of muscle-promoting L-arginine, this South American staple is the perfect plant-based protein to add to your meals.

15. Keep boiled eggs in the fridge

A single egg contains 6 grams of protein and only 78 calories. When you want to reach for something calorie-filled and fat-causing, choose an egg, and your cravings will likely disappear.

16. Add hemp hearts to salads and smoothies

Hemp hearts also contain high levels of protein – 6.3 grams per 2 tablespoons. They are also full of Omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, both of which help to burn fat.

17. Use smaller plates

Research has shown that if we use a smaller plate, we are likely to eat fewer calories, and still feel full!

18. Buy wild caught fish

Farm raised fish is often raised on soy which can cause an inflammatory response in the body, and cause you to hold onto fat, especially in the belly area.

19. You over eat because your messed up on food additives

Remove the junk food sold by most food manufacturers from your diet, and you’ll want to eat less.

20. Choose turkey over chicken

Turkey contains conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA—the trans fat that actually helps improve heart health and reduce belly fat.

Chicken is full of lineolic acid which causes belly fat.

21. Stop eating soybeans

They contain a polyunsaturated fat that can lead to weight gain and inflammation.

22. Stop doing sit-ups

They are horrible for your spine, and there are hundreds of other exercises that train the entire core, and burn more calories.

23. Think of beans for almost every meal

Mung beans and black beans, garbanzos or lentils, beans are high in fiber, high in protein, and often retain their nutrients, like Vitamin C even after they’ve been boiled. They are a perfect food.

24. Some starches, like lentil, peas, beans, oatmeal, bananas, corn and potatoes (especially with the skin on) are known as “resistant starch” or good starch

You don’t have to avoid them. You can eat them in moderation. They pass through the small intestine intact and are digested in the large intestine, where our healthy gut microbes chomp away at them.

25. Nuts have gotten a bad wrap – eat them!

Nuts may be high in calories but they are full of the kind of nutrition we need – which means we’ll eat less overall because we are getting the stuff our bodies can metabolize, not highly processed junk that gives our body nothing but toxic build up.

26. Stop eating Lean Cuisine and other “diet foods’

A study in the journal Food Nutrition Research found that processed foods require only 50 percent as many calories to burn as whole, real foods.

27. Eat the whole fruit

Fruit juices contain almost twice the calories as a single fruit, and lack the fiber. Fiber keeps you full, and helps the body burn more fat.

28. Stay true to foods that are good to you

If you eat the same breakfast every morning, that’s o.k. If it’s healthy and you. Know it works for you, stick to that habit, even if it’s boring.

29. Watch out for calorie-laden granola

You’d never guess that Whole Foods’ Organic granola has 500 calories in a single serving, but it does.

30. Skip the egg whites and eat the entire egg,

including the yolk. It contains choline which helps your liver attack body fat.

31. Fill half your plate with vegetables

It is nearly impossible to eat too many calories if you fill your plate at every meal with colourful vegetables. They are low in calories and high in nutrition.

32. Skip buffets

Research shows that we eat more when food is laid out for us buffet style.

33. Eat Zoats

A combo of zucchini, and oatmeal with spices. You’ll feel full due to the fiber and get a huge nutritional punch to fuel you throughout the day.

34. Don’t eat when you are upset

Many of us eat emotionally. Instead, go on a walk, and feel your feelings, instead of trying to push them down and numb them out with food.

35. Walk

Just adding an extra twenty minute walk a day can burn an extra 200-300 calories.

36. Don’t grocery shop when you are hungry

Shopping for food while your blood sugar levels are low will cause you to choose fattening, calorie-laden foods.

37. Put your addictions out of the way

If you know that your weakness is hard candies or cookies, put them on a high shelf, or hide them away so that you have to really, really want them before you indulge.

38. Forget the alcohol

Alcohol, even ‘low calorie’ beers and winesturn to sugar in our bloodstream, and cause our metabolism to slow down.

39. Make a grocery list

We are much more likely to purchase healthy foods if we go to the grocery store with a list we’ve made prior to arriving.

40. Rise early

Late sleepers are known to consume as much as 248 extra calories in a day.

People who sleep late are also more likely to eat fast food.

41. Sleep cold

Letting cold air in while you sleep can help your body burn fat while you are resting

42. Don’t sleep with the television on

The programming on television commercials reaches the subconscious, causing you to eat more.

43. Make a workout date

Tons of studies show that when we work out with a friend, our spouses, or even total strangers, we are more likely to stick to it, and stay motivated.

44. Go to bed early

People who get to bed early experience a whopping 62 percent decrease in their appetites.

45. Get some sunlight

People who are exposed to sunlight between the hours of 8 and noon have a reduced tendency for weight gain.

46. Slim down eating rice and coconut

It could cut your total calories in half.

47. Dine with the opposite sex

You’ll eat less.

48. Swap all cooking oils for coconut oil

It can reduce your waist circumference by 1.1 inches over a few months.

49. Laugh

It helps you burn calories .

50. Meditate

It lowers your stress levels, which can contribute to weight gain and eating more calories.

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