Life Coach Magazine

5 Ways to Find Your Happiness

By Djridings @fivethingsnow

“The Pursuit of Happiness is the Source of All Unhappiness” one of the many phrases posted as part of the Lululemon Manifesto that really stands out, because it is so true. The world we live in centers around the preconceived notion that you need things, or status, or anything but what you already have — for a life of happiness. This is just one huge big fat lie. By incorporating the 5 practices below you will see that you can easily find your happiness — because it has not gone anywhere!

1. Take Control of Your Own Happiness.

The reality is, nobody has the key to your happiness but you. We all have the ability to be happy, we are just brainwashed daily to think otherwise. Happiness does not come from people, places or things. Essentially happiness is a choice and a mindset that takes effort everyday. It is not an end destination as the term “pursuit of happiness” implies; it is a lifestyle. Your happiness is yours; it is created and destroyed by you; it is as real or as fleeting as you choose to allow.

2. Journal Your Gratitude.

Spend your time focusing on what is already in your life that brings you happiness, and jot these things down every day. Whether it is the sunshine, or the awesome dinner you cooked, you should take note and enjoy the feeling. When we focus on what we lack, we diminish the opportunities for happiness we already have. It is important to know specifically what brings you joy, that you already possess, and relish in it.

3. Watch Your Thoughts.

“Energy goes where attention flows”. You should be cognizant of your thoughts and focus your energy on positivity. Be conscious of the “negative” influences that you expose yourself to both consciously and subconsciously, and limit them. This could be the music you listen to; the TV shows you watch or the company you keep. It is important to limit these influences, because you cannot live a life of happiness with a negative mindset. Essentially you should protect your happiness as though you would protect yourself from the flu!

4. Do More of What Makes You Happy.

Make a list of various things that make you happy. They can be things you enjoy doing, or things you have listed in your gratitude journal. The key is to make it varied enough that the items are both big and small things. Each day make it a goal to try and include 1 or 2, or as many as you want, of these activities into your daily routine. Basically do something that makes you happy every day!

5. Give Back.

Helping others is the quickest way to finding and solidifying your own happiness. There are many ways to give back; you can recycle old clothes, volunteer your time, or simply donate money. You can also examine the activities that make you happy and incorporate them into a form of service. Giving back helps give you a sense of pride and purpose but most of all it helps you aid in the creation of another person’s happiness – and what greater feelings is there than that?

Want more of this? Visit the mindfulness community, Grateful & Awake (hyperlink to: or visit A.Sharie at her site FourDaze (hyperlink to:

If you would like to contribute then please e-mail me at [email protected].

Thank you for reading.


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