Health Magazine

5 Tips For Staying Healthy At The London Olympics

By Healthytravelblog @healthytravel1

5 Tips For Staying Healthy At The London OlympicsThe Olympic Games are less than three months away, and tens of thousands of people will be traveling to London to experience the athletic excellence and pageantry of the Games.

If you’re going, you surely are getting excited for what will very likely be the experience of a lifetime.  And perhaps you’re realizing that enjoying the London Olympics is going to take a lot of effort – you’ll be on the go from event to event, dealing with world-class crowds and will be putting in some long days. But that’s okay – this is what you’re signing up for. So while the Olympic athletes are very possibly the healthiest people on the planet, you could probably use some guidance on how to maintain your health over those 17 days and nights.

Fear not. Here are five tips – one for each Olympic ring – on staying healthy during the 2012 Games:

  1. Stay hydrated. This is always the biggest factor in maintaining your energy level for a busy day on your feet. The goal should be the same as it always is – drink 64 ounces of water each day. Of course, at the Olympics you could consequently finding yourself standing in Olympian lines at the restrooms. One way to offset this is to drink a couple of glasses of water before you go to bed at night – this will hydrate you, help you sleep better (really) and give you a head start on being hydrated the next day. And remember – caffeine-filled or alcoholic drinks will not help the situation; they’ll only make it worse.
  2. Use sunblock. London is not exactly famous for its intense sunlight, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need sunblock. You could be standing outside in lines for hours at a time, or sitting in an open air stadium in direct sunlight.
  3. Travel efficiently. Getting around is sure to raise your anxiety level, but the website Get Ahead Of The Games will help you navigate public transit as efficiently as possible. You might want to try biking to the various venues, but bike rentals are expected to be both pricey and hard to come by. Officials in London are also recommending that you only use licensed taxis or minicabs that you have booked on the phone or in a minicab office.
  4. Eat and drink sensibly. You’re on vacation, so have fun. But don’t overdo it. Okay, you can overdo it a little, but just show a little bit of restraint.
  5. Get the mPassport app for London. If something happens despite taking all of these precautions, having the mPassport app will help you navigate the health system in London so that you can easily get an appointment with a certified physician and get the issue taken care of, far from the maddening crowds.

Follow these simple rules and you’ll have a better chance of enjoying the Games… and of not falling victim to the irony of falling out of shape while vacationing to see the greatest athletes in the world.

Photo by megoizzy.

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