Fashion Magazine

5 Practical Feng Shui Tips to Invite Positive Vibes Into Your Home

By Demi Mist @Beautyandmist

Imagine you are in the mood to party and have thought of all interesting party themes that you will use to decorate your home.

From sparkling lights to flickering candles and soft music playing in the background, everything has been set for the party.

After preparing for the arrival of your guests, it suddenly dawns on you that you didn't send out the invitations!

So how will the guests show up without being invited? Well, is your main entrance welcoming? According to , the main entrance has the ability to bring in auspicious energy.

Therefore, it is important to make the entrance beautiful and attractive. An attractive and inviting entrance opens doors for several possibilities and opportunities.

Let's take a look at a few tips for making your entrance welcoming which will, in turn, attract good vibes in your home.

    Make the space outside the door as welcoming as possible

You can make the outside space of your door welcoming by keeping it clean, replacing old mats with new ones and changing wattage in bulbs for more brightness.

Furthermore, strive to sweep the entrance and keep it clean at all times, since this ritual will bring forth prosperity to your home.

5 Practical Feng Shui Tips to Invite Positive Vibes Into Your Home

If you fill your pathway with flowers which give off a sweet fragrance, you will be ushering health and beauty into your life.

By maintaining a sweet scented and welcoming porch, you will be inviting good energy to your home.

Many of us have other doors other than the main one which we use to enter our houses. However, instead of using the back door, use the main door to enter and exit the house.

By following this routine, you will be able to invite elements and intrigue in your life.

Feng shui maintains that the more a door opens, the more platforms are made available for unlimited resources and opportunities to enter our homes.

If the entrance of your door is full of clutter, get it cleaned. You can arrange a shoe rack for shoes, a key hanger for keys and a basket for newspapers.

5 Practical Feng Shui Tips to Invite Positive Vibes Into Your Home

Furthermore, make sure that anything that happens to be lingering on the floor is placed in a proper position such as hooks.

Neglecting the front door is an indication of many negative things such as lack of money, time, and energy.

Moreover, that feeling invokes undesirable feelings in one's home. On the other hand, however, if your entrance is well looked after and clean, it will become a harbinger of wealth, prosperity and peace to your home.

Many times overgrown plants and bushes hinder the view of your physical address. If this is the case with you, make necessary changes so that your address is good looking and visible.

Perhaps a fresh coat of paint or a screw or two put where necessary will go a long way in ensuring that your address appears attractive.

In conclusion, it is important to know that opportunity knocks on our door daily and only enters through an entrance that is welcoming.

By following the above mentioned practical feng shui tips, you will soon reap the benefits of having a welcoming entrance.

Thank you for reading!

5 Practical Feng Shui Tips to Invite Positive Vibes Into Your Home
This article was written by Sadia Suhail. She loves interior design, home decor and art & craft. She recently wrote a comprehensive guide on feng shui 2016.

photos via pinterest

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