Business Magazine

5 Mantras for Businessmen & Entrepreneurs : Indirectly Boost Your Business !

Posted on the 27 October 2011 by Mihir23192 @mihir23192

Mostly each and every business are now in cut through competition, mostly no one has luxury of monopoly because at least oligopoly exists. So, now in this situation, it is a tough task to more than you deserve. I am not talking about getting general business which is obvious and limit yourself, because this is what the looser do. I am talking about finding out the other ways to cut the competition by optimizing the indirectly affecting factors to your business. These are some methods and techniques which I have applied to my various business deals and project and They worked well ! Though I am not in some business nowadays then also I am referred for such work ! Just once have a look on it, And I prefer you don’t forecast anything from the title, just read once in detail. :)

Make Customer Feel, They are Important to You :

Today world is changing rapidly and it is changing the dimension from goods nature to service nature. Means, If you are providing goods and services, then it’s not enough to give only goods or service in return of client’s buck. Simply Speaking, Holding your clients and customer involves more than the quality of your product. When you deal with your customer, make each and every customer feel that they are one of the important part of your business. You can learn to do so with little effort but it really make big difference, Specially when you are dealing completely in service sector like IT and there is a distant business with tough competition. Because, probably others will also able to provide the same service at the same rate then the question is, What more you are giving to the customer which make them stick to you ?

Don’t Pay Only Cash to Your Employee :

The real asset of your company or your business is your employees who is helping you to reach towards your goal and in return you are giving money. But, according to me, Money doesn’t form part of long-term relation, trust and integrity with you and your business. Employee also seeks importance for his work, he expect that his opinion should be considered, he expect that you would give handful advice on his problem ETC. So, If you are having employees who is the true potential and integral part of your business, then you should taken care of such thing. Simply speaking, recognize the employee’s problems which are arising out of business

. If you would like to know about the better treatment to the employee’s and increasing work efficiency of them , then go and read some books related to business administration, motivation etc, which will surely give you insight help on your issues.

Branding and Respect really matters :

In this topic, I am considering your clients and employees both. When one person comes to you for job in your company or When a customer or client come to you, they both interested in knowing your background and respect in the industry, which basically from base of your future relationships. Now, It’s upon you how you brand yourself and gain respect in the industry and your business potentials. I have come across some personalities they have built their brand spreading the word effectively across the globe and now generating business with little efforts. They are such persons who are not questioned for a single thing regarding quality of services by neither their clients and nor employees.

Once I was traveling from public transport and I met one marketing manager of a Milk product company. That persona said told me that Respect makes your employees stay, makes your customers purchase, makes your suppliers sell and makes your competitors drool. One more thing I want to add, They believe in hiring smart employee and get paid them well, rather than hiring raw employee and train them, particularly when you know more than the smart employee about the business and industry situation. Simply, when you are more smart then your employee


Keeping Commitments adds the Value :

Today, When you deal with client they want assurance of delivery of service at said time and in dealing with employee want assurance of delivery of their pay

! So, In these case your management matters alot and good management adds value to your goodwill and literally increase your branding and respect. These are some small thing which you will not realise by absolute measure or in short time, but it really make difference cumulatively. Another simple point of view is that, When you give your service on said time that means you saved time of your client and ultimately your saved money of your client. So next time, he would like to pay more than the value of your services as you are saving his money

Get People know about, Do not make them Buy :

Last but not the least, If you observe some advertising on various media, then you only like those advertising much which only make your know about their services and not make you buy showing their advantages. Actually, giving the whole information and make you decide, is really works well. Because, Nowadays, when you say the benefit of using your product is considered as cheap marketing tactics. So better, you brand and spread words only for what you do and not how client will benefited !

Conclusion :

Doing business is really quite easy task but only when, you find your potential, analyze it and go with proper plan with considering long term goals and continuous check-list on short term tasks. Another thing which is important is, Know the effect of your doings and behaviour on the mentality of your clients and employees, because this is the only thing which create the ultimate difference on end results. How you manipulate your forecasting, managing and communication skill make the real difference. !!

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